Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Interface org.omg.CORBA.Object

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface Object
The definition for a CORBA object reference.

A CORBA object reference is a handle for a particular CORBA object implemented by a server. A CORBA object reference identifies the same CORBA object each time the reference is used to invoke a method on the object. A CORBA object may have multiple, distinct object references.

The org.omg.CORBA.Object interface is the root of the inheritance hierarchy for all CORBA object references in the Java programming language, analogous to java.rmi.Remote for RMI remote objects.

A CORBA object may be either local or remote. If it is a local object (that is, running in the same VM as the client), invocations may be directly serviced by the object instance, and the object reference could point to the actual instance of the object implementation class. If a CORBA object is a remote object (that is, running in a different VM from the client), the object reference points to a stub (proxy) which uses the ORB machinery to make a remote invocation on the server where the object implementation resides.

Default implementations of the methods in the interface org.omg.CORBA.Object are provided in the class org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl, which is the base class for stubs and object implementations.

See Also:

Method Summary
 Request _create_request(Context ctx, String operation, NVList arg_list, NamedValue result, ExceptionList exclist, ContextList ctxlist)
          Creates a Request instance initialized with the given context, method name, list of arguments, container for the method's return value, list of possible exceptions, and list of context strings needing to be resolved.
 Request _create_request(Context ctx, String operation, NVList arg_list, NamedValue result)
          Creates a Request instance initialized with the given context, method name, list of arguments, and container for the method's return value.
 Object _duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this CORBA object reference.
 DomainManager[] _get_domain_managers()
 ImplementationDef _get_implementation()
          Obtains an ImplementationDef object for the object implementation referenced by this object reference.
 InterfaceDef _get_interface()
          Obtains an InterfaceDef for the object implementation referenced by this object reference.
 Policy _get_policy(int policy_type)
 int _hash(int maximum)
          Returns an ORB-internal identifier for this object reference.
 boolean _is_a(String repositoryIdentifier)
          Checks whether this object is an instance of a class that implements the given interface.
 boolean _is_equivalent(Object other)
          Determines whether the two object references are equivalent, so far as the ORB can easily determine.
 boolean _non_existent()
          Determines whether the server object for this object reference has been destroyed.
 void _release()
          Signals that the caller is done using this object reference, so internal ORB resources associated with this object reference can be released.
 Request _request(String operation)
          Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface.
 Object _set_policy_override(Policy[] policies, SetOverrideType set_add)

Method Detail


public boolean _is_a(String repositoryIdentifier)
Checks whether this object is an instance of a class that implements the given interface.
repositoryIdentifier - the interface to check against
true if this object reference is an instance of a class that implements the interface; false otherwise


public boolean _is_equivalent(Object other)
Determines whether the two object references are equivalent, so far as the ORB can easily determine. Two object references are equivalent if they are identical. Two distinct object references which in fact refer to the same object are also equivalent. However, ORBs are not required to attempt determination of whether two distinct object references refer to the same object, since such determination could be impractically expensive.
other - the other object reference with which to check for equivalence
true if this object reference is known to be equivalent to the given object reference. Note that false indicates only that the two object references are distinct, not necessarily that they reference distinct objects.


public boolean _non_existent()
Determines whether the server object for this object reference has been destroyed.
true if the ORB knows authoritatively that the server object does not exist; false otherwise


public int _hash(int maximum)
Returns an ORB-internal identifier for this object reference. This is a hash identifier, which does not change during the lifetime of the object reference, and so neither will any hash function of that identifier change. The value returned is not guaranteed to be unique; in other words, another object reference may have the same hash value. If two object references hash differently, then they are distinct object references; however, both may still refer to the same CORBA object.
maximum - the upper bound on the hash value returned by the ORB
the ORB-internal hash identifier for this object reference


public Object _duplicate()
Returns a duplicate of this CORBA object reference. The server object implementation is not involved in creating the duplicate, and the implementation cannot distinguish whether the original object reference or a duplicate was used to make a request.

Note that this method is not very useful in the Java platform, since memory management is handled by the VM. It is included for compliance with the CORBA APIs.

The method _duplicate may return this object reference itself.

a duplicate of this object reference or this object reference itself


public void _release()
Signals that the caller is done using this object reference, so internal ORB resources associated with this object reference can be released. Note that the object implementation is not involved in this operation, and other references to the same object are not affected.


public ImplementationDef _get_implementation()
Obtains an ImplementationDef object for the object implementation referenced by this object reference.
the ImplementationDef object in the Implementation Repository that describes the object implementation referred to by this object reference


public InterfaceDef _get_interface()
Obtains an InterfaceDef for the object implementation referenced by this object reference. The InterfaceDef object may be used to introspect on the methods, attributes, and other type information for the object referred to by this object reference.
the InterfaceDef object in the Interface Repository which provides type information about the object referred to by this object reference


public Request _request(String operation)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface.
operation - the name of the method to be invoked using the Request instance
the newly-created Request instance


public Request _create_request(Context ctx,
                               String operation,
                               NVList arg_list,
                               NamedValue result)
Creates a Request instance initialized with the given context, method name, list of arguments, and container for the method's return value.
ctx - a Context object containing a list of properties
operation - the name of the method to be invoked
arg_list - an NVList containing the actual arguments to the method being invoked
result - a NamedValue object to serve as a container for the method's return value
the newly-created Request object
See Also:
Request, NVList, NamedValue


public Request _create_request(Context ctx,
                               String operation,
                               NVList arg_list,
                               NamedValue result,
                               ExceptionList exclist,
                               ContextList ctxlist)
Creates a Request instance initialized with the given context, method name, list of arguments, container for the method's return value, list of possible exceptions, and list of context strings needing to be resolved.
ctx - a Context object containing a list of properties
operation - the name of the method to be invoked
arg_list - an NVList containing the actual arguments to the method being invoked
result - a NamedValue object to serve as a container for the method's return value
exclist - an ExceptionList object containing a list of possible exceptions the method can throw
ctxlist - a ContextList object containing a list of context strings that need to be resolved and sent with the Request instance
the newly-created Request object
See Also:
Request, NVList, NamedValue, ExceptionList, ContextList


public Policy _get_policy(int policy_type)


public DomainManager[] _get_domain_managers()


public Object _set_policy_override(Policy[] policies,
                                   SetOverrideType set_add)

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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