Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Class java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort


public final class DataBufferUShort
extends DataBuffer
This class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally as shorts. Values stored in the short array(s) of this DataBuffer are treated as unsigned values.

Fields inherited from class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
banks , dataType , offset , offsets , size , TYPE_BYTE , TYPE_DOUBLE , TYPE_FLOAT , TYPE_INT , TYPE_SHORT , TYPE_UNDEFINED , TYPE_USHORT
Constructor Summary
DataBufferUShort(int size, int numBanks)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with specified number of banks all of which are the specified size.
DataBufferUShort(int size)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank and the specified size.
DataBufferUShort(short[] dataArray, int size, int offset)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank using the specified array, size, and offset. dataArray must have at least offset + size elements.
DataBufferUShort(short[] dataArray, int size)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank using the specified array.
DataBufferUShort(short[][] dataArray, int size, int[] offsets)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with specified arrays, size, and offsets.
DataBufferUShort(short[][] dataArray, int size)
          Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with the specified arrays.
Method Summary
 short[][] getBankData()
          Returns the data arrays for all banks.
 short[] getData()
          Returns the default (first) unsigned short data array.
 short[] getData(int bank)
          Returns the data array for the specified bank.
 int getElem(int bank, int i)
          Returns the requested data array element from the specified bank as an integer.
 int getElem(int i)
          Returns the requested data array element from the first (default) bank as an integer.
 void setElem(int bank, int i, int val)
          Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
 void setElem(int i, int val)
          Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank from the given integer.
Methods inherited from class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
getDataType , getDataTypeSize , getElemDouble , getElemDouble , getElemFloat , getElemFloat , getNumBanks , getOffset , getOffsets , getSize , setElemDouble , setElemDouble , setElemFloat , setElemFloat
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait

Constructor Detail


public DataBufferUShort(int size)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank and the specified size.


public DataBufferUShort(int size,
                        int numBanks)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with specified number of banks all of which are the specified size.


public DataBufferUShort(short[] dataArray,
                        int size)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank using the specified array. Only the first size elements should be used by accessors of this DataBuffer. dataArray must be large enough to hold size elements.


public DataBufferUShort(short[] dataArray,
                        int size,
                        int offset)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with a single bank using the specified array, size, and offset. dataArray must have at least offset + size elements. Only elements offset through offset + size - 1 should be used by accessors of this DataBuffer.


public DataBufferUShort(short[][] dataArray,
                        int size)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with the specified arrays. The number of banks will be equal to dataArray.length. Only the first size elements of each array should be used by accessors of this DataBuffer.


public DataBufferUShort(short[][] dataArray,
                        int size,
                        int[] offsets)
Constructs an unsigned short based DataBuffer with specified arrays, size, and offsets. The number of banks is equal to dataArray.length. Each array must be at least as large as size + the corresponding offset. There must be an entry in the offset array for each dataArray entry. For each bank, only elements offset through offset + size - 1 should be used by accessors of this DataBuffer.
Method Detail


public short[] getData()
Returns the default (first) unsigned short data array.


public short[] getData(int bank)
Returns the data array for the specified bank.


public short[][] getBankData()
Returns the data arrays for all banks.


public int getElem(int i)
Returns the requested data array element from the first (default) bank as an integer.
getElem in class DataBuffer


public int getElem(int bank,
                   int i)
Returns the requested data array element from the specified bank as an integer.
getElem in class DataBuffer


public void setElem(int i,
                    int val)
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank from the given integer.
setElem in class DataBuffer


public void setElem(int bank,
                    int i,
                    int val)
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
setElem in class DataBuffer

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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