Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle2D
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images.  
java.awt.font Provides classes and interface relating to fonts.  
java.awt.geom Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.  
java.awt.image Provides classes for creating and modifying images.  
java.awt.image.renderable Provides classes and interfaces for producing rendering-independent images.  

Uses of Rectangle2D in java.awt

Subclasses of Rectangle2D in java.awt
          A rectangle specifies an area in a coordinate space that is defined by the rectangle's top-left point (xy) in the coordinate space, its width, and its height.

Methods in java.awt that return Rectangle2D
 Rectangle2D Font.getStringBounds(String str, FontRenderContext frc)
 Rectangle2D Font.getStringBounds(String str, int beginIndex, int limit, FontRenderContext frc)
 Rectangle2D Font.getStringBounds(char[] chars, int beginIndex, int limit, FontRenderContext frc)
 Rectangle2D Font.getStringBounds(CharacterIterator ci, int beginIndex, int limit, FontRenderContext frc)
 Rectangle2D Font.getMaxCharBounds(FontRenderContext frc)
 Rectangle2D Shape.getBounds2D()
          Returns a high precision and more accurate bounding box of the Shape than the getBounds method.
 Rectangle2D Polygon.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D FontMetrics.getStringBounds(String str, Graphics context)
 Rectangle2D FontMetrics.getStringBounds(String str, int beginIndex, int limit, Graphics context)
 Rectangle2D FontMetrics.getStringBounds(char[] chars, int beginIndex, int limit, Graphics context)
 Rectangle2D FontMetrics.getStringBounds(CharacterIterator ci, int beginIndex, int limit, Graphics context)
 Rectangle2D FontMetrics.getMaxCharBounds(Graphics context)
 Rectangle2D Rectangle.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Rectangle2D
 PaintContext Color.createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle r, Rectangle2D r2d, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints)
          Create and return a PaintContext used to generate a solid color pattern.
 PaintContext TexturePaint.createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints)
          Creates and returns a context used to generate the color pattern.
 boolean Shape.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Tests if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean Shape.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 PaintContext GradientPaint.createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints)
          Creates and returns a context used to generate the color pattern.
 PaintContext SystemColor.createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle r, Rectangle2D r2d, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints)
          Create and return a PaintContext used to generate a solid color pattern.
 boolean Polygon.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean Polygon.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 PaintContext Paint.createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle deviceBounds, Rectangle2D userBounds, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints)
          Create and return a context used to generate the color pattern.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.

Constructors in java.awt with parameters of type Rectangle2D
TexturePaint.TexturePaint(BufferedImage txtr, Rectangle2D rect2d)
          Constructs a TexturePaint object.

Uses of Rectangle2D in java.awt.font

Methods in java.awt.font that return Rectangle2D
 Rectangle2D GlyphMetrics.getBounds2D()
          Return the black box bounds of the glyph.
 Rectangle2D TextLayout.getBounds()
          Return the bounds of the layout.
 Rectangle2D GraphicAttribute.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle which encloses all of the bits drawn by this graphic (relative to the drawing position, of course).
 Rectangle2D ShapeGraphicAttribute.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle which encloses all of the bits drawn by this graphic (relative to the drawing position, of course).
abstract  Rectangle2D GlyphVector.getLogicalBounds()
          Return the logical bounds of this GlyphVector.
abstract  Rectangle2D GlyphVector.getVisualBounds()
          Return the visual bounds of this GlyphVector The visual bounds is tightest Rectangle enclosing all non-background pixels in the rendered representation of the GlyphVector.
 Rectangle2D ImageGraphicAttribute.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle which encloses all of the bits drawn by this graphic (relative to the drawing position, of course).

Methods in java.awt.font with parameters of type Rectangle2D
 float[] TextLayout.getCaretInfo(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Return information about the caret corresponding to hit.
 Shape TextLayout.getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Return a shape representing the caret at hit inside the given bounds.
 Shape[] TextLayout.getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds, TextLayout.CaretPolicy policy)
          Return two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret.
 Shape[] TextLayout.getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds)
          A convenience overload that uses the default caret policy.
 Shape TextLayout.getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint, TextHitInfo secondEndpoint, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Return a path enclosing the visual selection in the given range, extended to bounds.
 Shape TextLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape(int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Return a path enclosing the logical selection in the given range, extended to bounds.
 TextHitInfo TextLayout.hitTestChar(float x, float y, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Return a TextHitInfo corresponding to the point.

Constructors in java.awt.font with parameters of type Rectangle2D
GlyphMetrics.GlyphMetrics(float advance, Rectangle2D bounds, byte glyphType)
          Construct a GlyphMetrics.

Uses of Rectangle2D in java.awt.geom

Subclasses of Rectangle2D in java.awt.geom
static  Rectangle2D.Double
          A rectangle specified in double coordinates.
static  Rectangle2D.Float
          A rectangle specified in float coordinates.

Methods in java.awt.geom that return Rectangle2D
 Rectangle2D RectangularShape.getFrame()
          Returns the framing rectangle which defines the overall shape of this object.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
abstract  Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
abstract  Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Float.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Float.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Double.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Double.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Line2D.Float.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D Line2D.Double.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D CubicCurve2D.Float.getBounds2D()
          Return the bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D CubicCurve2D.Double.getBounds2D()
          Return the bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D RoundRectangle2D.Float.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D RoundRectangle2D.Double.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D Area.getBounds2D()
          Returns a high precision bounding rectangle that completely encloses the area.
 Rectangle2D GeneralPath.getBounds2D()
          Returns the bounding box of the path.
 Rectangle2D Arc2D.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
protected abstract  Rectangle2D Arc2D.makeBounds(double x, double y, double w, double h)
          Construct a rectangle object of the appropriate precision to hold the parameters calculated to be the bounding box of this arc.
protected  Rectangle2D Arc2D.Float.makeBounds(double x, double y, double w, double h)
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
protected  Rectangle2D Arc2D.Double.makeBounds(double x, double y, double w, double h)
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D QuadCurve2D.Float.getBounds2D()
          Return the bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D QuadCurve2D.Double.getBounds2D()
          Return the bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D Ellipse2D.Float.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 Rectangle2D Ellipse2D.Double.getBounds2D()
          Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.

Methods in java.awt.geom with parameters of type Rectangle2D
 void RectangularShape.setFrame(Rectangle2D r)
          Sets the outer bounds of this shape to be the same as the specified Rectangle.
 boolean RectangularShape.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean RectangularShape.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 void Rectangle2D.setRect(Rectangle2D r)
          Sets this rectangle to be the same as the specified Rectangle.
abstract  Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
static void Rectangle2D.intersect(Rectangle2D src1, Rectangle2D src2, Rectangle2D dest)
          Intersect the pair of Rectangles and put the result into the indicated destination Rectangle2D object.
abstract  Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
static void Rectangle2D.union(Rectangle2D src1, Rectangle2D src2, Rectangle2D dest)
          Union the pair of Rectangles and put the result into the indicated destination Rectangle2D object.
 void Rectangle2D.add(Rectangle2D r)
          Adds a Rectangle2D object to this rectangle.
 void Rectangle2D.Float.setRect(Rectangle2D r)
          Sets this rectangle to be the same as the specified Rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Float.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Float.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 void Rectangle2D.Double.setRect(Rectangle2D r)
          Sets this rectangle to be the same as the specified Rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Double.createIntersection(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 Rectangle2D Rectangle2D.Double.createUnion(Rectangle2D r)
          Return a new Rectangle2D object representing the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.
 boolean Line2D.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean Line2D.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 boolean CubicCurve2D.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean CubicCurve2D.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 boolean Area.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Tests whether the interior of the area intersects the interior of the given rectangle.
 boolean Area.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Tests whether the interior of the area completely contains the given rectangle.
 boolean GeneralPath.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if a given Point is inside the boundary of the shape.
 boolean GeneralPath.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 void Arc2D.setArc(Rectangle2D rect, double angSt, double angExt, int closure)
          Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified Rectangle and double values.
 boolean Arc2D.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 boolean QuadCurve2D.intersects(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 boolean QuadCurve2D.contains(Rectangle2D r)
          Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.

Constructors in java.awt.geom with parameters of type Rectangle2D
Arc2D.Float.Arc2D.Float(Rectangle2D ellipseBounds, float start, float extent, int type)
          Constructs a new arc, initialized to the specified location, size, angular extents, and closure type.
Arc2D.Double.Arc2D.Double(Rectangle2D ellipseBounds, double start, double extent, int type)
          Constructs a new arc, initialized to the specified location, size, angular extents, and closure type.

Uses of Rectangle2D in java.awt.image

Methods in java.awt.image that return Rectangle2D
 Rectangle2D BufferedImageOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination image.
 Rectangle2D LookupOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination image.
 Rectangle2D LookupOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination Raster.
 Rectangle2D RasterOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination Raster.
 Rectangle2D RescaleOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the rescaled destination image.
 Rectangle2D RescaleOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the rescaled destination Raster.
 Rectangle2D ColorConvertOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the destination, given this source.
 Rectangle2D ColorConvertOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the destination, given this source.
 Rectangle2D BandCombineOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the transformed destination.
 Rectangle2D ConvolveOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination image.
 Rectangle2D ConvolveOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination Raster.
 Rectangle2D AffineTransformOp.getBounds2D(BufferedImage src)
          Returns the bounding box of the transformed destination.
 Rectangle2D AffineTransformOp.getBounds2D(Raster src)
          Returns the bounding box of the transformed destination.

Uses of Rectangle2D in java.awt.image.renderable

Methods in java.awt.image.renderable that return Rectangle2D
 Rectangle2D ContextualRenderedImageFactory.getBounds2D(ParameterBlock paramBlock)
          Returns the bounding box for the output of the operation, performed on a given set of sources, in rendering-independent space.

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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