CSE 341 Assignment 2 Solution (postscript)
October 27, 1998
Add primitives for arithmetic (+, -, *, and /). Demonstrate that your augmented interpreter works correctly for these new primitives. Note: it's OK to implement a version of + that takes an indefinite number of arguments, or exactly two arguments. Actually, though, you would have to go out of your way to restrict it to exactly two arguments. (Why?)

The solution to this problem is to add the following to the list primitive-procedures
(define primitive-procedures
  (list (list 'car car)
;;; BEGIN: added for problem 1
        (list '+ +)
        (list '* *)
        (list '- -)
        (list '/ /)
;;; END: added for problem 1

Now, when the meta interpreter encounters an application of some values, say `(1 2 3), to the + operator, it will invoke the regular scheme interpreter's + operator.

There are several ways of doing this that limits the number of arguments to + For example you could have replaced the (list `+ +) above with (list `+ (lambda (x y) (+ x y))). There are other alternatives that are even more difficult. These solution are all more difficult than that given above.

;;; M-Eval input:
(- 1)

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(+ 4 5)

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(* 10 11 12)

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(/ 1 10)

;;; M-Eval value:

Add a trace facility to the interpreter. If you have defined a function factorial (in the interpreter) and then evaluate (my-trace factorial)1 your interpreter should print out trace information each time factorial is called and each time it exits. On function entry, print out the name of the function and the arguments; on exit print out the name again and the return value. (my-untrace factorial) should turn off tracing.

factorial Solution:
;; factorial
(define (factorial n) 
   (if (= 0 n) 
       (* n (factorial (- n 1)))
This relies on adding a new primitive = which we added to the primitive-procedures list in the same manner as Problem 1.

Detecting a traced procedure:
To detect a traced procedure we modified the procedure data. Recall that a procedure, for example (lambda (x) (+ 5 x)), is represented as follows:
'(procedure (x) ((+ 5 x)) <procedure-env>)
Well, we will make a traced procedure as follows:
'(traced-procedure (x) ((+ 5 x)) <procedure-env>)
Now, we are all set to write code to detect if a procedure is a traced procedure2:
(define (traced-procedure? p)
  (tagged-list? p 'traced-procedure)
We also modified compound-procedure? as follows:
(define (compound-procedure? p)
  (or (tagged-list? p 'procedure) (traced-procedure? p))
because a traced procedure is still a compound procedure.

Note that an equally good solution would be to keep a global list of traced procedures and when my-trace is called on some lambda, that procedure can be added to the global list of traced procedures. When my-untrace is called on that lambda, the global list can be searched and that procedure can be removed.

Getting the procedure's name:
This is also rather difficult. Since procedures (or lambdas) are first class objects in scheme one lambda can be bound to any number of variable names. A little experimentation with the trace function in the regular scheme interpreter yields that when a procedure is traced, only the first name it was bound to gets displayed as the function name. For instance
(define (foo x) (+ x 5))
(define bar foo)
(define foo 55)
(define trace bar)
(bar 10)
Here bar will be traced and it will think that its function name is foo. With this model in mind the solution that follows names a procedure by adding a fifth element to the procedure data list, which is the procedures name:
'(procedure (x) ((+ x 5)) <procedure-env> foo)
This naming occurs when the lambda is bound to a variable for the first time. So if we are setting a variable to some value and that value happens to be an unnamed lambda, then we will name this lambda with the variable name that we are setting. To do this the following function was defined and a call to it was added to eval-assignment and eval-definition. The code follows:
;; this is added for naming procedures.
;;  if the value is a lambda, then we will set the name of
;;  of the lambda (the 5th item in the list) if it is not 
;;  already set to some value.
(define (set-procedure-name-if-necessary var proc)
        ;; if it is a procedure and its not 
        ;; named, then set the name.
        (if (and (compound-procedure? proc) 
                 (not (procedure-named? proc))
            (set-cdr! (cdddr proc) (list var))
Making my-apply print out trace information:
Here, if we have a compound procedure, before we call the procedure, we check to see if we have a traced procedure. If it is traced then we print out procedure call information. We then call the procedure in the same way that it was called in the original code. The return value is saved in retval. Then, if we this procedure is traced then we print out return information. Finally we return the retval.
(define (my-apply procedure arguments)
  (cond ((primitive-procedure? procedure)
         (apply-primitive-procedure procedure arguments))
        ((compound-procedure? procedure)

;;; BEGIN: added for problem 2.
          ;; if it is a traced function
          ;; print out entering info.
          (cond ((traced-procedure? procedure)
                 (display "Entering Procedure: ")
                 (if (procedure-named? procedure)
                     (display (procedure-name procedure))
                     (user-print procedure)
                 (display "Arguments:\n")
                    (procedure-parameters procedure) 

          ;; invoke procedure.  This time though, we will will
          ;;  store the return value in variable 'retval'.
          ;; we have to save the return value because we 
          ;;  want to print it out if this is a traced 
          ;;  procedure.
          (let ((retval
;;; BEGIN: original code to call a function.
                     (procedure-body procedure)
                       (procedure-parameters procedure)
                       (procedure-environment procedure)))
;;; END: of original code to call function.
                   ;; now the function has returned and we have 
                   ;; retval.
                ;; if it is a traced function
                ;; print exit info.
                (cond ((traced-procedure? procedure)
                       (display "Leaving Procedure: ")
                       (if (procedure-named? procedure)
                           (display (procedure-name procedure))
                           (user-print procedure)
                       (display "\tReturning: ")
                       (user-print retval)
                ;; return retval
;;; END: added for problem 2 and 3.       
          "Unknown procedure type -- APPLY" procedure))))
Adding my-trace and my-untrace:
Here we just add my-trace and my-untrace to our primitives with the following primitive functions:
;; here are my-trace and my-untrace for problem 2.
(define (my-trace p)
  (set-car! p 'traced-procedure)
  p    ; return p

(define (my-untrace p)
  (set-car! p 'procedure)
  p    ; return p
;;; M-Eval input:
(trace factorial)

;;; M-Eval value:
(compound-procedure (n) ((if (= 0 n) 1 (* n (fact...

;;; M-Eval input:
(factorial 3)
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      3
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      2
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      1
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      0
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 1
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 1
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 2
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 6

;;; M-Eval value:

Also add a second, more verbose, trace facility that prints out the environment in a nice way after entering a function, in addition to the information from my-trace. The printout should include the names and values of each variable in each frame. Indicate the different frames as well. This verbose trace facility should be invoked using (enviro-trace factorial). Demonstrate both my-trace and enviro-trace working on the recursive functions factorial, append, and map.

Once my-trace is implemented, adding enviro-trace is rather simple. It involved writing a function to print out the environment without getting into an infinite loop on the <procedure-env> portion of procedures that are stored in variables.

Printing out the environment:
The trick here is that when ever a value is printed out, user-print must be used.
;;; for problem 2 and 3.  
;;    This prints out a variable
;;    and value pair in a nice way.
(define (var-val-print var val)
   (display "\t")
   (display var)
   (display "\t->\t")
   (user-print val)
   (display "\n")

;;; for problem 2 and 3.  
;;    This prints out a lists of variables
;;    and values in a nice way.
;;       - calls var-val-print
(define (vars-vals-print vars vals)
   (map var-val-print vars vals)

;;; END: problem 2.

;;; for problem 3.  Print the environment.
;;    the environment is a list of list.
;;    we will print out the first list.
;;    then recursively print out the rest.
;;        - calls vars-vals-print
(define (env-print env)
   (cond ((null? env) '())   ; do nothing on empty list.  
            (display "Environment[")
            (display (length env))
            (display "]:\n")
            ;; first print the first environment.
            (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
                    (frame-variables frame) 
                    (frame-values frame)
            ;; print the rest recursively.
            (env-print (enclosing-environment env))
Marking a procedure as enviro-traced:
We will, as before, change 'procedure to 'enviro-traced-procedure and add the following function:
(define (traced-procedure? p)
  (or (tagged-list? p 'traced-procedure) 
      (enviro-traced-procedure? p)

(define (enviro-traced-procedure? p)
  (tagged-list? p 'enviro-traced-procedure)
Changing my-apply:
All that is left is to add a bit to my-apply to to call env-print before an enviro-traced procedure is called.
The append and map functions:
;; map:  maps function f on list l
(define (map f l)
  (if (null? l)
      (cons (f (car l)) (map f (cdr l)))

;; append: append t onto the end of s.
(define (append s t)
  ( if (null? s)
       (cons (car s) (append (cdr s) t))
(for brevity, repetitive portions of the output are left out)
;;; M-Eval input:
(enviro-trace append)

;;; M-Eval value:
(compound-procedure (s t) ((if (null? s)...

;;; M-Eval input:
(append '(1 2) '(10 11 12))
Entering Procedure: append
        s       ->      (1 2)
        t       ->      (10 11 12)
        append  ->      (compound-proced...
        map     ->      (compound-proced...
        factorial       ->      (compoun...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<closure> car])
        cdr     ->      (primitive #[<closure> cdr])
        =       ->      (primitive #[<closure> full=?])
        null?   ->      (primitive #[<closure> null?])
        env     ->      (primitive #[<cl...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primiti...
Entering Procedure: append
        s       ->      (2)
        t       ->      (10 11 12)
        append  ->      (compound-proced...
        map     ->      (compound-proced...
        factorial       ->      (compoun...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<closure> car])
        cdr     ->      (primitive #[<closure> cdr])
        cons    ->      (primitive #[<closure> cons])
        env     ->      (primitive #[<cl...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primiti...
Entering Procedure: append
        s       ->      ()
        t       ->      (10 11 12)
        append  ->      (compound-proced...
        map     ->      (compound-proced...
        factorial       ->      (compoun...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<closure> car])
        cdr     ->      (primitive #[<closure> cdr])
        null?   ->      (primitive #[<closure> null?])
        env     ->      (primitive #[<cl...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primiti...
Leaving Procedure: append
        Returning: (10 11 12)
Leaving Procedure: append
        Returning: (2 10 11 12)
Leaving Procedure: append
        Returning: (1 2 10 11 12)

;;; M-Eval value:
(1 2 10 11 12)

;;; M-Eval input:
(enviro-trace map)

;;; M-Eval value:
(compound-procedure (f l) ((if (null? ...

;;; M-Eval input:
(map factorial '(0 1))
Entering Procedure: map
        f       ->      (compound-proc...
        l       ->      (0 1)
        append  ->      (compound-proc...
        map     ->      (compound-proc...
        factorial       ->      (compo...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<...
        =       ->      (primitive #[<...
        null?   ->      (primitive #[<...
        env     ->      (primitive #[<...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primi...
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      0
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 1
Entering Procedure: map
        f       ->      (compound-proc...
        l       ->      (1)
        append  ->      (compound-proc...
        map     ->      (compound-proc...
        factorial       ->      (compo...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<...
        cdr     ->      (primitive #[<...
        env     ->      (primitive #[<...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primi...
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      1
Entering Procedure: factorial
        n       ->      0
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 1
Leaving Procedure: factorial
        Returning: 1
Entering Procedure: map
        f       ->      (compound-proc...
        l       ->      ()
        append  ->      (compound-proc...
        map     ->      (compound-proc...
        factorial       ->      (compo...
        false   ->      #f
        true    ->      #t
        car     ->      (primitive #[<...
        null?   ->      (primitive #[<...
        env     ->      (primitive #[<...
        enviro-trace    ->      (primi...
Leaving Procedure: map
        Returning: ()
Leaving Procedure: map
        Returning: (1)
Leaving Procedure: map
        Returning: (1 1)

;;; M-Eval value:
(1 1)

Exercise 4.4 (page 374)

Add special forms for short-circuiting or and and as well as derived, source-to-source, transformations. For brevity we will give a short-circuiting and and a special form for or3.

and special form solution:
(define (special-and? exp)
   (tagged-list? exp 'special-and)

;; this us used for getting all the expressions for 
;; a special-and or special-or.  returns a list.
(define (special-bool-exps exp)
   (cdr exp)

;; this does a special-and
(define (eval-special-and exp env)
   (letrec ((do-and 
               (lambda (exps) 
                  (if (null? exps)
                      (and (my-eval (car exps) env) 
                           (do-and (cdr exps))
           (do-and (special-bool-exps exp))
or source-to-source solution:
define (derived-or? exp)
   (tagged-list? exp 'derived-or)

;; these are the same, lets recycle.
(define derived-bool-exps special-bool-exps)

(define (orexps->if exps)
   (if (null? exps)
       (make-if (car exps) 'true (orexps->if (cdr exps)))

;; this makes a huge nested if
(define (or->if exp)
   (orexps->if (derived-bool-exps exp))
Change to my-eval
(define (my-eval exp env)
  (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
        ((special-and? exp) (eval-special-and exp env))
        ((derived-or? exp) (my-eval (or->if exp) env))
         (error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))
;;; M-Eval input:
(derived-or false true (/ 1 0))

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(special-and true true true false (/ 1 0))

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(derived-or false)

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:

;;; M-Eval value:
Exercise 4.6 (page 375)

Implement let as a source-to-source transformation to lambda

Transformation solution:
(define (make-combination func args)
   (cons func args)

(define (let? exp)
   (tagged-list? exp 'let)

;; the body is the third+ expression(s).
(define (let-body exp)
   (cddr exp)

;; this gets out the definitions into a list:
;;   ((var1 exp1) (var2 exp2) ...)
(define (let-defs-raw exp)
   (cadr exp)

;; this gets out the definitions from a paired list:
;;   ((var1 exp1) (var2 exp2) ...)
;; and puts them into a a pair of list:
;; ((var1 var2 ...) (exp1 exp2 ...)
(define (let-defs-unpair raw)
   (if (null? raw)
       '( () () )  ; return two empty lists.
       (let* ((top      (car raw))
              (new-var  (car top))
              (new-val  (cadr top))
              (the-rest (let-defs-unpair (cdr raw)))
              (vars (car the-rest))
              (vals (cadr the-rest))
             (list (cons new-var vars) (cons new-val vals))

;; this gets out the definitions into a list:
;; ((var1 var2 ...) (exp1 exp2 ...)
(define (let-defs exp)
   (let-defs-unpair (let-defs-raw exp))

;; turn this let into an application of a lambda
(define (let->combination exp)
   (let* ((vars-exps (let-defs exp))
          (vars (car vars-exps))
          (exps (cadr vars-exps))
            (make-lambda vars (let-body exp))
New my-eval:
(define (my-eval exp env)
  (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
        ((let? exp) (my-eval (let->combination exp) env))
         (error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))
;;; M-Eval input:
(let ((x 5) (y 10)) (+ x y))

;;; M-Eval value:

;;; M-Eval input:
(let () 1 2 3)

;;; M-Eval value:
Exercise 4.7 (page 375)

Define let* as a source-to-source transformation to a chain of nested lets if it is possible.

Is is possible?
Transformation solution:
;; this makes a let for my-eval.
;;    vars-exps: ((var1 val1) (var2 val2) ...)
;;    body:  ((exp1) ...)

(define (make-let vars-exps body)
   (append (list 'let vars-exps) body)

(define (let*? env)
   (tagged-list? env 'let*)

;; let* has the same syntax as let,
;; so we will use let's accessor function: let-defs-raw and let-body
(define (let*->nested-lets exp)
   (raw-body-let*->nested-lets (let-defs-raw exp) (let-body exp))

(define (raw-body-let*->nested-lets raw body)
   (if (null? raw)
       (make-begin body)
       (make-let (list (car raw))               
                 (list (raw-body-let*->nested-lets (cdr raw) body))
New my-eval:
(define (my-eval exp env)
  (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
        ((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env))
        ((let*? exp) (my-eval (let*->nested-lets exp) env))
         (error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))
;;; M-Eval input:
(let* ((x 5) (y (+ x 10)) (z (+ y 100))) z)

;;; M-Eval value:

The entire Homework 2 solution: hw2.s


... factorial)1
It does not matter whether you called your trace function my-trace or trace. Since it is only defined in the meta-interpreter's environment it does not interfere with the normal scheme trace function.
... procedure2
This code was modified a little bit for Problem 3
... or3
Both are implemented in hw2.s
