Programming Languages: Virtual Machine Guide

We have created a virtual machine image that includes all the necessary software for CSE 341. This image is a Linux (Ubuntu) machine, and will require the VirtualBox software to run. Follow the instructions below to install and run the VM. If you are not familiar with Linux, we recommend one of the other software installation options.


Install VirtualBox

In order to run the VM, you will need to download the VirtualBox virtual machine software:

  1. Visit the VirtualBox download page
  2. On that page, find "VirtualBox 6.1.4 platform packages" and select your host machine type
  3. Download and run the installer

Set up and customize the VM

You will now need to download and set up the virtual machine:

  1. Download the virtual machine image
  2. Run VirtualBox and go to File > Import Appliance
  3. Choose Source: Local File System and then choose the path to the downloaded image
  4. Click Next and Import to import the VM
  5. Once the VM has been imported (this can take several minutes), you can customize it by clicking on the VM and going to Machine > Settings:
    • Under System > Motherboard, you can change the memory cap (to improve performance)
    • Under System > Processor, you can change the number of processors (to improve performance)
    • Under Display > Screen, you can change the scale factor on the display to match your screen's pixel density
    • Under Shared Folders, you can create folders that are shared between the host machine and the VM (to simplify saving/loading files)

If you choose to change the memory or processors for the VM, be sure your physical host machine has the necessary resources available.


Start the VM by clicking Start in the VirtualBox UI. The VM has a single root account installed:

  • Username: cse341
  • Password: cse341

The VM has all the necessary software installed and the editors we use on the taskbar. The following is a brief list of the installed software:

  • sml v110.70
  • emacs 26.3 with SML mode (on the taskbar)
  • racket v7.6
  • DrRacket (on the taskbar)
  • ruby 2.2.4p230
  • irb 0.9.6
  • Ruby tk 0.2.0 gem
  • Visual Studio Code with SML, Racket, and Ruby extensions - alternate development environment (on the taskbar)