CSE 341: Programming Languages

Winter 2015

General Information

Please use the course discussion board to discuss concepts, questions, specific issues about assignments, and so forth. Don't post solutions or parts of solutions though. The board is divided into different sections -- please use the appropriate one for your post. There is also a class mailing list for announcements.


Assignments and Turnin

Some assignments will include "extra credit" sections. These will enrich your understanding of the material, but deliberately will provide scant credit in proportion to the work required. Do them for what you'll learn beyond the basics, not the points, and don't even think about starting the extra credit portion until the main problems are complete.


The midterm was in class Friday the 13th of February. (Hmmm ...) The sections the day before were review sessions.

The final was in the regular classroom, March 19, 8:30-10:20am. The last regular lecture, on March 13, was a course recap and review for the final. There was also be a optional question-and-answer review session the afternoon of March 18, 3:30-4:30, in JHN 075.

For both the midterm and the final, you can bring a maximum of 2 (single sided) pages of notes. No laptops, tablets, or smart phones. The notes could just be printouts of materials from the class website, but preparing your own notes is a great way to review.

For practice exams, see previous offerings of the course. The mini-exercises are also good study material.




You can email all the TAs and the instructor at cse341-staff at cs. (This is the best address to use for a faster response, since whoever gets to it first will reply.)