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This is the Spring 2022 final website.

Retreiving Data from an Android Device or Emulator

  1. When you open Android Studio to your as5-menus project, you will see a “Device File Explorer” tab in the lower right corner:

    Arrow to Android Studio's Device File Explorer Tab, 30%

  2. When you click this tab (make sure your emulator is already running or physical device is plugged in) you will see the file structure of your emulator:

    Highlighting TestResult.csv in Android Studio's Device File Explorer Tab

  3. Once you have found TestResult.csv under /storage/emulated/0/CSE340_Menus/TestResult.csv or /sdcard/CSE340_Menus/TestResult.csv you can right-click to save it to your computer:

    Right-Clicking for "Save As" on TestResult.csv

  4. Now that you have the file saved to a location on your computer you can right-click to open it in Microsoft Excel or upload it to Google Sheets to process the data.