Uses of Class

Uses of RatPoly in calculator

Fields in calculator declared as RatPoly
static RatPoly RatPoly.NaN
          A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type RatPoly
static RatPoly RatPoly.ZERO
          A constant holding a zero value of type RatPoly

Methods in calculator that return RatPoly
 RatPoly RatPoly.add(RatPoly p)
          Addition operation.
 RatPoly RatPoly.antiDifferentiate(RatNum integrationConstant)
          Returns the antiderivative of this RatPoly.
 RatPoly RatPoly.differentiate()
          Return the derivative of this RatPoly.
 RatPoly RatPoly.div(RatPoly p)
          Division operation (truncating).
 RatPoly RatPolyStack.getNthFromTop(int index)
          Returns the RatPoly that is 'index' elements from the top of the stack.
 RatPoly RatPoly.mul(RatPoly p)
          Multiplication operation.
 RatPoly RatPoly.negate()
          Return the additive inverse of this RatPoly.
 RatPoly RatPolyStack.pop()
          Removes and returns the top RatPoly.
 RatPoly RatPoly.sub(RatPoly p)
          Subtraction operation.
static RatPoly RatPoly.valueOf(java.lang.String polyStr)
          Builds a new RatPoly, given a descriptive String.

Methods in calculator that return types with arguments of type RatPoly
 java.util.Iterator<RatPoly> RatPolyStack.iterator()
          Returns an iterator of the elements contained in the stack.

Methods in calculator with parameters of type RatPoly
 RatPoly RatPoly.add(RatPoly p)
          Addition operation.
 RatPoly RatPoly.div(RatPoly p)
          Division operation (truncating).
 RatPoly RatPoly.mul(RatPoly p)
          Multiplication operation.
 void RatPolyStack.push(RatPoly p)
          Pushes a RatPoly onto the top of this.
 RatPoly RatPoly.sub(RatPoly p)
          Subtraction operation.
 void PolyGraph.updatePlotBuffer(float xMin, float xMax, int numIncrements, float[] xValBuffer, float[] yValBuffer, float[] yExtrema, RatPoly currentRatPoly)