Package ps6

Interface Summary
Directions A Directions is a description of how to travel from one Address to another.
StreetSegmentFilter Interface for Street Segment filtering

Class Summary
Address An Address is an immutable record type defining a location.
DirectionsFinder A DirectionsFinder produces directions for traveling from one address to another in a particular geographical area.
KillfileReader Abstraction to read and return filters based on kill files
StreetSegIterator Functions as an iterator over the set of StreetSegments represented by the contents of the .zip files in a directory.
StreetSegReader A StreetSegReader reads StreetSegments from a set of Tiger Databases.
TextUI This class implements an interactive text-based interface for Husky Maps.

Exception Summary
InvalidAddressException Checked exception to indicate that an Address has an invalid number, street, or zipcode.
InvalidDatabaseException Checked exception to indicate that there was an error in loading the Tiger database.
KillfileReader.KillfileException Indicates that a killfile was non-existant, malformed, etc.
NoPathException Checked exception to indicate that a path was not found.
StreetSegReader.InvalidSourceException Exception indicating that the requested source for a tiger database is invalid