Package ps2.test

Interface Summary
TestValues Interface that contains a constant value for the tolerance that all test cases should use.

Class Summary
DrivingRouteFormatterTest Unit tests for the DrivingRouteFormatter class.
GeoFeatureTest Unit tests for the GeoFeature class
GeoPointTest Unit tests for the GeoPoint class.
GeoSegmentTest Unit tests for the GeoSegment class.
ImplementationTests ImplementationTest is a simple test suite to test the implementation of each problem set.
RouteTest Unit tests for the Route class
SpecificationTests SpecificationTests is a simple TestSuite that includes and runs all the tests in GeoPointTest, GeoSegmentTest, GeoFeatureTest, RouteTest, WalkingRouteFormatterTest, and DrivingRouteFormatterTest.
WalkingRouteFormatterTest Unit tests for the WalkingRouteFormatter class.