Address - Class in ps6
An Address is an immutable record type defining a location.
Address(int, String, String) - Constructor for class ps6.Address
Address Constructor
allQueries - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
All validation queries
apply(StreetSegment) - Method in interface ps6.StreetSegmentFilter
Determine if the segment is accepted by the filter
assertEquals(String, Iterator<?>, Iterator<?>) - Static method in class ps6.test.PS6ProgTestCase


BadRecordException - Exception in ps6.tigerdb
BadRecordException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ps6.tigerdb.BadRecordException


checkMappingInv() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
contains(int) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
couldBeLowToHigh() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange


DatabaseReader - Class in ps6.tigerdb
DatabaseReader() - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
DatabaseReader.GeoChain - Class in ps6.tigerdb
dbPath() - Method in enum ps6.test.TestRecord.TestDB
die(String) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
DirectedStreetNumberRange - Class in ps6.tigerdb
DirectedStreetNumberRange(IntSet, boolean) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
DirectedStreetNumberRange() - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
Directions - Interface in ps6
A Directions is a description of how to travel from one Address to another.
DirectionsFinder - Class in ps6
A DirectionsFinder produces directions for traveling from one address to another in a particular geographical area.


END_PROMPT - Static variable in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
EOL - Static variable in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
equals(Object) - Method in class ps6.Address
equals(Address) - Method in class ps6.Address
equals(Object) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature


Feature - Class in ps6.tigerdb
Feature(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
Feature(String) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
fromDir(File) - Static method in class ps6.KillfileReader
fromFile(File) - Static method in class ps6.KillfileReader
fullName() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature


genTextUiStdIn(TestRecord) - Static method in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
Generate the TextUI input for a test record
genTextUiStdOut(TestRecord) - Static method in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
Generate the expected TextUI output for a test record
geoChains() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
geoChains(File) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
geoChains(String) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
getCfc() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getDb() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the database information for the test
getDirections(Address, Address, ps2.RouteFormatter) - Method in class ps6.DirectionsFinder
Gets directions from start to end.
getDirections() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the expected direction lines
getDirectionsFinder(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class ps6.DirectionsFinder
Produces a DirectionsFinder for a given database.
getDirectionType() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get a string rep.
getEnd() - Method in interface ps6.Directions
getEnd() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the test's ending address
getEnd() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getErrorMessage() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the expected error message
getFeature() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getLeftAddresses() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader.GeoChain
Get the set of addresses on the left
getLeftRange() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getLeftRange() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT6
getLeftZip() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getLength() - Method in interface ps6.Directions
getLength() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the expected length of the path
getName() - Method in class ps6.Address
Get the name of the street
getName() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
getNum() - Method in class ps6.Address
Get the street number
getPrefixDir() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
getRightAddresses() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader.GeoChain
Get the set of addresses on the right
getRightRange() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getRightRange() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT6
getRightZip() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getRT1() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader.GeoChain
getRT6s() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader.GeoChain
getSet() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
getStart() - Method in interface ps6.Directions
getStart() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the starting test's starting address
getStart() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
getSuffixDir() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
getTestName() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the name of the Test
getTLID() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRwTLID
getTripLength() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the expected length / travel time line
getType() - Method in class ps6.test.TestRecord
Get the type of test
getType() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
getZipcode() - Method in class ps6.Address
Get the zipcode for the street


hasAddress(int) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
hashCode() - Method in class ps6.Address
hashCode() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
hasNext() - Method in class ps6.StreetSegIterator


ImmIterator<E> - Class in ps6.tigerdb
ImmIterator() - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.ImmIterator
ImplementationTests - Class in ps6.test
ImplementationTests() - Constructor for class ps6.test.ImplementationTests
ImplementationTests(String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.ImplementationTests
INFO - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
INPUT_PROMPTS - Static variable in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
interactiveLoop(BufferedReader, PrintStream) - Method in class ps6.TextUI
TODO:Spec to be written by student.
intern() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
InvalidAddressException - Exception in ps6
Checked exception to indicate that an Address has an invalid number, street, or zipcode.
InvalidAddressException() - Constructor for exception ps6.InvalidAddressException
InvalidAddressException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.InvalidAddressException
InvalidDatabaseException - Exception in ps6
Checked exception to indicate that there was an error in loading the Tiger database.
InvalidDatabaseException() - Constructor for exception ps6.InvalidDatabaseException
InvalidDatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.InvalidDatabaseException
InvalidDatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ps6.InvalidDatabaseException
iterator() - Method in interface ps6.Directions
iterator() - Method in class ps6.StreetSegReader
Returns an Iterator over this.streetSegs.


KillfileReader - Class in ps6
Abstraction to read and return filters based on kill files.
KillfileReader() - Constructor for class ps6.KillfileReader
KillfileReader.KillfileException - Exception in ps6
Indicates that a killfile was non-existant, malformed, etc.
KillfileReader.KillfileException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.KillfileReader.KillfileException


main(String[]) - Static method in class ps6.TextUI
main(String[]) - Static method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
makeGP(int, int) - Static method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
makeUiTest(TestRecord) - Method in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest


next() - Method in class ps6.StreetSegIterator
NonNumericDataException - Exception in ps6.tigerdb
NonNumericDataException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.tigerdb.NonNumericDataException
NoPathException - Exception in ps6
Checked exception to indicate that a path was not found.
NoPathException() - Constructor for exception ps6.NoPathException
NoPathException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.NoPathException


originalData() - Method in exception ps6.tigerdb.BadRecordException


parseAddrRange(String, String) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
primaryName() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
Returns the primary name of this, or "" if this does not have a primary name.
ps6 - package ps6
ps6.test - package ps6.test
ps6.tigerdb - package ps6.tigerdb
PS6ProgTestCase - Class in ps6.test
PS6ProgTestCase(TestRecord) - Constructor for class ps6.test.PS6ProgTestCase
PS6TextUiTestCase - Class in ps6.test
An immutable TextUI test case for PS6.
PS6TextUiTestCase(String, String[], Class<?>, InputStream, String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.PS6TextUiTestCase
PublicProgADTTest - Class in ps6.test
PublicProgADTTest() - Constructor for class ps6.test.PublicProgADTTest
PublicProgADTTest(String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.PublicProgADTTest
PublicTextUITest - Class in ps6.test
Public (Specification) TextUI Test Suite
PublicTextUITest() - Constructor for class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
PublicTextUITest(String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest


rangeAsString() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
readRecords(InputStream) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
readZipFile(File) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
readZipFile(String) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader
reason() - Method in exception ps6.tigerdb.BadRecordException
remove() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.ImmIterator
runTest() - Method in class ps6.test.PS6ProgTestCase
Runs the test against getDirections(Address x 2, RouteDirections)
runTest() - Method in class ps6.test.PS6TextUiTestCase
Runs the this.mainMethod, piping this.testInput into its standard input.


sameDir(DirectedStreetNumberRange) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.InvalidAddressException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.InvalidDatabaseException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.KillfileReader.KillfileException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.NoPathException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.StreetSegReader.InvalidSourceException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.tigerdb.BadRecordException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ps6.tigerdb.NonNumericDataException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord.NoInt
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT6
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRwTLID
sidesDisjoint() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DatabaseReader.GeoChain
size() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
SpecificationTests - Class in ps6.test
SpecificationTests() - Constructor for class ps6.test.SpecificationTests
SpecificationTests(String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.SpecificationTests
StreetSegIterator - Class in ps6
Functions as an iterator over the set of StreetSegments represented by the contents of the .zip files in a directory.
StreetSegIterator(Iterator<File>, StreetSegmentFilter) - Constructor for class ps6.StreetSegIterator
StreetSegmentFilter - Interface in ps6
Interface for Street Segment filtering
streetSegments() - Method in class ps6.StreetSegReader
Returns an Iterator over this.streetSegs.
streetSegmentsInternal() - Method in class ps6.StreetSegReader
StreetSegReader - Class in ps6
A StreetSegReader reads StreetSegments from a set of Tiger Databases.
StreetSegReader(String) - Constructor for class ps6.StreetSegReader
StreetSegReader.InvalidSourceException - Exception in ps6
Exception indicating that the requested source for a tiger database is invalid
StreetSegReader.InvalidSourceException(String) - Constructor for exception ps6.StreetSegReader.InvalidSourceException
suite() - Static method in class ps6.test.ImplementationTests
suite() - Static method in class ps6.test.PublicProgADTTest
suite() - Static method in class ps6.test.PublicTextUITest
suite() - Static method in class ps6.test.SpecificationTests


testBadDirType - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testBadNum - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testBadStreet - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testBadZip - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testExamplePath1 - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testExamplePath2 - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testExamplePath3 - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
TestRecord - Class in ps6.test
A test record is a fairly simple record type to hold a query and its expected results
TestRecord(String, TestRecord.TestDB, TestRecord.TestType, Address, Address, String[], String, double, String) - Constructor for class ps6.test.TestRecord
TestRecord.TestDB - Enum in ps6.test
Database information the various testing databases
TestRecord.TestType - Enum in ps6.test
Types of tests, e.g.
testSameSegment - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testSameStreetDriving - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testSameStreetWalking - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
testSameZip - Static variable in class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
TextUI - Class in ps6
This class implements an interactive text-based interface for Husky Maps.
TextUI(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class ps6.TextUI
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class ps6.test.PS6ProgTestCase
Threshold for comparing double values
TigerRecord - Class in ps6.tigerdb
TigerRecord() - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
Special ctor to work around predefined record length (Record Type C seems to be flawed.
TigerRecord(String, int) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
TigerRecord.NoInt - Class in ps6.tigerdb
TigerRecord.NoInt() - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord.NoInt
TigerRT1 - Class in ps6.tigerdb
TigerRT1 represents a Complete-Chain Basic Data Record.
TigerRT1(String) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1
Constructs a TigerRT1 from a line of Record Type 1 as specified in the Data Dictionary for the Tiger/Line files.
TigerRT6 - Class in ps6.tigerdb
TigerRT6(String) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT6
TigerRwTLID - Class in ps6.tigerdb
TigerRwTLID(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRwTLID
TigerRwTLID(String, int) - Constructor for class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRwTLID
toInt(String) - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRecord
Parses `s' as an int, with the following additions to the standard Integer.parseInt() method: 1.
toString() - Method in class ps6.Address
toString() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.DirectedStreetNumberRange
toString() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.Feature
toString() - Method in class ps6.tigerdb.TigerRT1


ValidateQueries - Class in ps6.test
ValidateQueries contains static fields which hold candidate test queries
ValidateQueries() - Constructor for class ps6.test.ValidateQueries
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ps6.test.TestRecord.TestDB
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ps6.test.TestRecord.TestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ps6.test.TestRecord.TestDB
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ps6.test.TestRecord.TestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


wrap(Iterator<F>) - Static method in class ps6.tigerdb.ImmIterator