Programming Projects
CSE 326, Autumn 1997
- Project 1: Quicksort
- Project 2: B-Trees
- Instructions
- Files
- Grading. Here are the six input files I used to
test your btree implementations.
- Test 1 (10 Points)
- Tests insertion of keys 1...28 in order.
- Test 2 (5 Points)
- Tests insertion of keys in a slightly more random
order. The point of this test is to see if "donation" of
keys to siblings works.
- Test 3 (5 Points)
- Tests very simple deletion: deletion of 1 key from a
single-node tree.
- Test 4 (3 Points)
- Tests slightly more complicated deletion. Borrowing
from a sibling and updating the key at the root are
- Test 5 (4 Points)
- Tests a series of insertion and deletion operations.
Some special cases are exercised.
- Test 6 (3 Points)
- Tests a series of insertion and deletion operations.
Tests some more subtle special cases than test 5.
- Project 3: Minimum-cost
Spanning Trees