Programming Assignment I: Quicksort

Due Monday, October 27th


In class we discussed List Quicksort, a version of Quicksort in which the items to be sorted form a linked list and the final output is also a linked list in which the input has been rearranged into increasing order. In practice it is more efficient to present the input and output in an array. Section 7.7 of the text gives Q_Sort, an implementation of Quicksort on arrays.


Part 1.

Write a recursive version of quicksort for an array of integers; you may use the book's implementation as a starting point if you wish. Note, however, that the book's version is not complete, and will leave some groups of integers out of order as a result of the Cutoff parameter. Your code should read integers from the standard input until an "end of file" character is encountered, and then print the integers in sorted order. You may assume that there will be no more than 10,000 inputs.

Part 2.

The main Q_Sort routine given in Figure 7.14 is recursive. This means that, during the execution of Q_Sort, a stack is maintained of recursive calls on Q_Sort that remain to be executed. We refer to these recursive calls as instantiations of Q_Sort.Each instantiation is of the form Q_Sort(Left, Right), where Left and Right are indices into the input array A, with Left + 1 <= Right. The size of the instantiation is defined as Left - Right + 1. It is possible to construct examples in which the number of instantiations on the stack becomes very large (can you determine how large?). This is because the sizes of the instantiations on the stack are very small. This problem can be fixed by changing the algorithm so that it processes the small instantiations as early as possible, so that the number of small instantiations cannot build up. Instead of a stack, the modified algorithm maintains a linked list of the instantiations remaining to be executed, and always selects one of smallest size to be executed next. The second part of the assignment is to construct such an implementation and verify its correctness. You should extend your program to allow the user to choose which algorithm to use, by adding a menu similar to the following:

    Choose a sorting algorithm:
       1. Recursive Quicksort
       2. Iterative Quicksort
After the user selects an algorithm, the program should read the numbers to be sorted as in the first part.

Part 3

Write a program which implements List Quicksort, as discussed in class. You can integrate it into your existing program by making it option 3 in the menu.


Input and Output

As described earlier, the input to your program will be a menu option to select the sorting algorithm, followed by a list of integers terminated with the "end-of-file" character. When running the program from a UNIX shell, the EOF character is Control-D. For lengthier inputs and outputs, UNIX also provides input and output redirection. Suppose that you have a program qsort and a file input.txt containing input for your program. You can redirect the input to your program so that it reads from input.txt as follows:
      qsort < input.txt
Similarly, you can send the output of your program to a file output.txt by typing
      qsort > output.txt
and combine the two options by typing
      qsort < input.txt > output.txt

In order to make generating test data easier, I have written a program which takes an input N and generates a list with the integers 1..N in random order as output. The full path of the program (on the CSE instructional computers) is


UNIX Program Development

If you are unfamiliar with the UNIX programming environment, you are encouraged to start early and familiarize yourself with the common tools g++ (compiler), emacs (editor), make (compilation tool), and gdb (debugger). Feel free to come to the TA's office hour for additional help with these programs.

All users are strongly encouraged to use the skeletal makefile provided here to manage their programs. To use this file, save it with the name "makefile" in the same directory as your project source files, and follow the instructions in the file for filling in the necessary information.

Any student who does not have an account on the CSE instructional machines should request one by sending mail to support@cs.


Programs will be submitted both in hardcopy and electronically. A stapled and labeled printout of the program should be submitted in class on the due date. Electronic submission is via the turnin program on the CSE instructional machines; type "man turnin" for more details on how to use this program. Note that users of the makefile above may type
     make turnin
in order to submit their assignments, assuming that the information at the top of the makefile is kept up-to-date.

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