This quiz is homework assignment #3. Any question you answered
correctly in class are considered correct for the purposes of the
assignment. Any question you did not answer or which you answered
incorrectly is now a short answer question for the homework assignment
due in class on Wednesday. We will hand back the graded quiz on
Figure 1:
The tree from quiz #2. Use this tree to answer
questions 1-2. Note that the priorities of the
nodes are not necessarily equal to their letter labels!
- 1.
- Explain why one of u, v, or w must be
removed. Explain why x need not be removed. Describe the
heap-order property, and explain why it may not be obeyed in this
Which of the following must be done to ensure that this tree is a
binary heap?
- (a)
- Remove x
- (b)
- Remove one of u, v, or w
- (c)
- Ensure that the heap-order property is obeyed
- (d)
- Both (b) and (c)
- (e)
- All of the above
Correct answer(s): (d)
- 2.
- Explain what happens on a call to deleteMin and why the answer
follows from this process. You may assume that all nodes have
unique priorities.
Assume that all necessary changes have been made to ensure this tree
is a heap. After one call to deleteMin, which node will be at the
- (a)
- p
- (b)
- q
- (c)
- the lesser of q and r
- (d)
- r
- (e)
- x
Correct answer(s): (c)
- 3.
- Explain why heap based priority queues do need to be able
to compare the priority of data items. Explain why they do not
need to know actual numerical values describing the priorities.
Stacks and Queues require almost no knowledge about the data they
store other than its size. What knowledge (other than size) do
heap based priority queues require?
- (a)
- None.
- (b)
- They need to be able to compare the priority of the data items.
- (c)
- They need to be able generate numerical values describing the priority
of the data items.
- (d)
- They need to know the exact structure of the data items.
- (e)
- They need coffee, and lots of it.
Correct answer(s): (b)
- 4.
- Analyze the running time of the creation of the heap. Analyze
the running time of the printout of the numbers. Give an overall
runtime. You may assume that
is a tight upper bound on
If your answer on the quiz was a loose bound, also explain
why it is loose.
Here's an algorithm to sort n numbers with a heap. Start with an
empty heap and insert each number into the heap sequentially. Then,
remove a number from the heap and output it, repeating until the heap
is empty again. How long does this take? (Tight upper bound, please.)
- (a)
- (b)
- O(n2)
- (c)
- O(n)
- (d)
- (e)

Correct answer(s): (d)
- 5.
- Explain why each of (a), (b), (c), and (d) may be concerns in
choosing d in a d-heap.
Which of the following is not a concern in choosing d in a d-heap?
- (a)
- the size of cache lines
- (b)
- making d a power of 2
- (c)
- the size of elements in the heap
- (d)
- the relative number of inserts and deleteMins
- (e)
- the smallest key value in the heap
Correct answer(s): (e)
- 6.
- Draw an example of the smallest and of the largest possible
5-heaps, and note their size. Draw the arrays that would contain those
What is the smallest and largest number of entries in an array that a
5-heap of depth 2 can take (not including the element for size)?
- (a)
- 7 and 31
- (b)
- 6 and 30
- (c)
- 25 and 125
- (d)
- 5 and 25
- (e)
- None of these; a 5-heap cannot be stored in an array
Correct answer(s): (a)
- 7.
- Describe how deleteMin and insert are actually implemented in
leftist and skew heaps. Explain why these are efficient.
Which of the following is true about insert, deleteMin, and
merge in leftist and skew heaps?
- (a)
- insert is a merge
- (b)
- merge is a sequence of inserts
- (c)
- merge is a sequence of deleteMins
- (d)
- deleteMin is a sequence of merges
- (e)
- those heaps don't implement merge
Correct answer(s): (a)
Figure 2:
Two binary trees. Use this tree to answer
questions 8-10. This time, assume that
the priorities of the nodes are equal to their letter labels.
- 8.
- Give the null path length of each node in each tree. Explain why
these are therefore leftist heaps.
In order to make these into leftist heaps, what needs to be done?
- (a)
- Swap b's right and left subtrees
- (b)
- Put f under e
- (c)
- Put g under c
- (d)
- (b) and (c)
- (e)
- Nothing; these are leftist heaps.
Correct answer(s): (e)
- 9.
- Draw out each step of the merge process in the same manner that
we did in class (use recursive not iterative merge).
If we merge these as leftist heaps, which of the following is true of
the resulting tree?
- (a)
- Every node has a null path length of 1.
- (b)
- Every node has zero or two children.
- (c)
- The left path is: a
- (d)
- Every node has a null path length of 0.
- (e)
- None of these.
Correct answer(s): (b)
- 10.
- Draw out each step of the merge process in the same manner that
we did in class (use recursive not iterative merge).
If we merge these as skew heaps, which of the following is true of the
resulting tree?
- (a)
- Every node has a null path length of 1.
- (b)
- It is a leftist tree.
- (c)
- The left path is: a
- (d)
- One node has a null path length of 2.
- (e)
- None of these.
Correct answer(s): (c)
- 11.
- Note the clarification in this question (on part (a)). Explain
why (c) and (d) are not conditions which favor skew heaps over
d-heaps. Explain why (a), (b), and (e) together constitute a good
situation to use skew heaps over d-heaps.
Which of the following together might constitute a good situation to use
skew heaps over d-heaps?
(Bubble in all that apply!)
- (a)
- Using minimal memory at any given point in time without
sacrificing asymptotic speed performance is vital.
- (b)
- The size of the heap fluctuates wildly.
- (c)
- The size of the heap is stable and known.
- (d)
- Speed of merges is not essential.
- (e)
- Speed of each individual deleteMin is not essential.
Correct answer(s): (a, b, e)