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Ordinary Induction

Ordinary induction can be viewed as a special case of this. The set of positive integers N can be defined recursively:
Basis tex2html_wrap_inline303
Constructor If tex2html_wrap_inline305 then tex2html_wrap_inline307 .
Extremal Clause The usual

A recursive proof with respect to this definition of N consists of proving P(1) and that for any tex2html_wrap_inline305 if P(n) is true then P(n+1) must be true, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline319 and this is exactly what we do for ordinary induction.

(Another piece of intuition as to why recursive proofs work is to think of the set


The above proof shows that 4 and 10 are in tex2html_wrap_inline323 and that for any x and y in tex2html_wrap_inline323 , both x+y and x-y are in tex2html_wrap_inline323 . Thus tex2html_wrap_inline323 satisfies essentially the same recursive definition as S does. Therefore tex2html_wrap_inline341 .)

Another example: Here we prove something about the functions defined on elements of a recursively defined set S.

We can define the set B of all binary trees by the following two rules:

BASIS: `` tex2html_wrap_inline347 '' is a binary tree

CONSTRUCTOR: If tex2html_wrap_inline349 and tex2html_wrap_inline351 are binary trees then so is:


We can define a couple of functions on binary trees:

Define tex2html_wrap_inline357 by: tex2html_wrap_inline359 and tex2html_wrap_inline361 and define tex2html_wrap_inline363 by: tex2html_wrap_inline365 and tex2html_wrap_inline367 where T is the tree:


Now we want to prove that for all tex2html_wrap_inline375 , tex2html_wrap_inline377 .


Paul Beame
Fri Oct 23 10:05:51 PDT 1998