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Induction Proof Format

A typical recursive definition of a set S is of the following form:
Basis tex2html_wrap_inline185 are all members of S.
Constructors: If tex2html_wrap_inline189 are all members of S then tex2html_wrap_inline193 , tex2html_wrap_inline195 , tex2html_wrap_inline197 , tex2html_wrap_inline199 .
Extremal Clause Nothing else is in S but what follows from the basis and constructors.

Suppose that want to prove that a predicate P(x) holds for all tex2html_wrap_inline205 . The standard form of the induction proof of this is as follows:


That is, one first shows that P is true for the basis elements, and then shows that each constructor preserves the truth of P.

To illustrate a recursive proof, consider the set S defined as follows:
Basis: tex2html_wrap_inline239 , tex2html_wrap_inline241
Constructors: If tex2html_wrap_inline205 and tex2html_wrap_inline245 then tex2html_wrap_inline247 . If tex2html_wrap_inline205 and tex2html_wrap_inline245 then tex2html_wrap_inline253 .
Extremal Clause Nothing else is in S but what follows from the basis and constructors.

Suppose we want to show all of the elements of S are divisible by 2.


Note that what we've actually proved taking the inductive hypothesis and the inductive step together is that tex2html_wrap_inline299

Paul Beame
Fri Oct 23 10:05:51 PDT 1998