A profile picture of Quan Huie

Hi, I'm Quan!

I am a passionate aspiring software engineer and web developer. I am a junior in Computer Science and a recent grad of the STARS engineering program. I'm passionate about Human Computer Interaction and Accessability. I love going skiing, biking, plants, and playing saxophone and guitar. If you're interested in web development or design, check out my club DUBvelopers!

Advice to Incoming Students


Check out more of my projects

screenshot of previous project

President/Technical Director/Founder

DUBvelopers | May 2021 - Present
  • Conceptualized, Created, and Published a website providing details about the club
  • Created a web development curriculum under tight time constraints
  • Team Leader: Coordinating and leading daily meetings, delegate tasks to officers
  • Lead Front-End Technical Lead: supervise front end project questions
screenshot of previous project

Explorer Intern

Microsoft | June 2021 - Sept 2021
  • Researched and Created content for a wiki page on routing planes
  • : Led daily meetings, mentored fellow team members, delegated work
  • Lead Front-End Developer: responsible for front end implementation for entire app, utilized React-Bootstrap framework