Flash Homework

If you want to compile and run Flash applications on your own computer, follow our Flash/Flex Installation Instructions.

icon Turn-in Flash HW5 here. Flash Homework 5 (XMLMaze)

"Due" Friday, August 19, 11:30pm.


Write an ActionScript program XMLMaze.as that loads a maze from an XML file. Your game must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. The screen should be 500×500px.
  2. The game should load XML levels from the server/local computer using URLRequests.
  3. Your game must include wall hit-detection, so that a player cannot move through walls.

Turn in your XMLMaze.as source code file, your compiled XMLMaze.swf program, a customlevel.xml level, and (optionally) a XMLMaze.zip archive containing any other files that are a part of your program.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Friday, August 19, 11:30pm, we will give you +1 late day to be used on HW8.
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!

icon Turn-in Flash HW4 here. Flash Homework 4 (Shooter II)

"Due" Friday, August 12, 11:30pm.


Write an ActionScript program Shooter2.as that adds graphics, sound and a preloader to your game. Your game must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. All sprites (the "hero" and "enemies") and the background must have an image.
  2. Play a sound when the game starts, when an enemy is hit, and when the game is over.
  3. Play background music that is stopped when the game is over.
  4. Add an external preloader that does more than simply display the percent loaded in a text field. (e.g., display a percentage bar or other loading animation.)

The misc_assets.zip archive contains some sounds and images you can use if you aren't creative. (But we'd rather you were creative!)

Turn in your Shooter2.as source code file, and your compiled Shooter2.swf program, and your Shooter2.zip archive containing peripheral files including other classes, sounds, and images.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Friday, August 12, 11:30pm, we will give you +1 late day to be used on HW7 or later.
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!

icon Turn-in Flash HW3 here. Flash Homework 3 (Shooter)

"Due" Sunday, August 7, 11:30pm (extended 24 hours).


Write an ActionScript program Shooter.as that creates a simple game involving a "hero" and "enemies" and responds to keyboard presses. Your game must adhere to the following criteria:

It must have:

  1. An update cycle which continuously updates all sprites on the stage.
  2. "Enemies" spawning from any of the four edges, which track toward the "hero" sprite, wherever it is.
  3. Event handlers which control the "hero" and the hero's "bullets" in response to keyboard input.
  4. Collision detection in which the "hero" dies (and the game ends) if its sprite overlaps an enemy sprite, and an "enemy" dies if a bullet collides with it.

In addition, it must also have one other feature of your own choosing. Suggestions:

  • Another type of enemy?
  • Lives, points, menu?
  • Powerups?
  • Multiplayer?

Turn in both your Shooter.as source code file and your compiled Shooter.swf program.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Sunday, August 7, 11:30pm, we will give you +1 extra credit point to be credited to your overall 190 M homework grade (not to exceed 100% credit).
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!

icon Turn-in Flash HW2 here. Flash Homework 2 (Menu)

"Due" Monday, July 25, 11:30pm (see below).


Write an ActionScript program Menu.as that creates a simple navigation menu that responds to click events. Your menu must adhere to the following criteria:

It must have at least:

  1. One class that extends Sprite.
  2. One text field.
  3. One working click event listener which causes something significant to happen that is visible on the stage. (Don't just trace.)
  4. Above all, be creative!


  • A menu with buttons that cause pictures to appear?
  • A GUI that moves a sprite around on stage? (To move a sprite, change its x and y properties.)
  • A button that makes a random string of text appear in a text field?

Turn in both your Menu.as source code file and your compiled Menu.swf program.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Monday, July 25, 11:30pm, we will give you one free "late day" to be used on other 190 M assignments.
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!

icon Turn-in Flash HW1 here. Flash Homework 1 (Art)

"Due" Thursday, July 14, 11:30pm (see below).


Write an ActionScript program Art.as which draws an artistic masterpiece using the Graphics object. Your masterpiece must adhere to the following criteria:

It must have at least:

  1. 5 different shapes with 3 different colors.
  2. A while loop or a for loop.
  3. Declare at least one variable.

You can set up your computer to compile/run Flash programs as described in our Flash installation instructions. You can test your program by compiling it into a .swf program and double-clicking that .swf file on your machine to run it.

Turn in both your Art.as source code file and your compiled Art.swf program.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Thursday, July 14, 11:30pm, we will give you two "early days" to be used on other 190 M assignments.
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!
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