Final Exam Info


AVG 72.25
STDEV 13.6

Regrade Policy:

If you disagree with the grading, such as if you think your solution actually does work, or that your solution is more nearly correct than it was given credit for, the procedure for regrades is the following:

  • If your complaint is about the correctness of your solution to a programming question, type in your code and view it in your browser. Fix any trivial syntax problems. Run it for yourself and see how nearly correct your solution is. We have posted solutions to every exercise that you can use to type in your own code to see whether it works. These are found within the Final Exam Answer Key document.
  • Submit your exam for a regrade. Put it in an envelope and leave it at the front desk of the Paul Allen Center addressed to Morgan Doocy. You must include a cover page with a brief written explanation of what specifically you think was misgraded and why. If your complaint is about overly harsh grading on a programming question, you should also email the instructor (or post on Webster, and give us the URL) a copy of your typed-in solution code to the instructor to run it to verify its correctness. Because regrades are time-consuming and difficult to judge, we can not accept any exam for a regrade unless it includes this cover page, and he will not re-evaluate grading of the correctness of any programming questions without a typed copy of your solution being submitted by you first.
  • Also note: When you submit an exam for a regrade, we will regrade your entire exam. If we notice anywhere that you were mistakenly given too many points, we will also correct this, up to a maximum of -4 for the entire exam. So it is possible that a regrade request will result in you receiving a slightly lower mark than what you started with.
  • All final exam regrade requests must be submitted by the end of the first week of Autumn 2011 quarter.
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