steam-powered turing machine uw

CSE 190 M: Web Programming, Spring 2007

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Current Announcements

Contact Information

name: Black Lightning Marty Stepp
email: Marty's email address
AIM: UW CSE 190 M (TAs' IM: UW CSE 190 M TA)
office: CSE 466
office hours
(held in CSE 466):
Tue 4:45pm - 5:45pm; Fri 2:00pm - 3:00pm;
or when office door is open, or by appointment
office phone: (206) 685-2181
feedback: Send anonymous feedback to Marty and/or the TAs
9:30 Flash Brian Harris Brian Harris
9:30 Incredible Hulk Kenneth Kuan Kenneth Kuan
9:30 Black Canary Hélène Martin Helene Martin
11:30 Green Arrow Morgan Doocy Morgan Doocy
11:30 Quailman Jeff Prouty Jeff Prouty

To send email to Marty and all of the TAs, address it to All TAs.

TA Lab Schedule

"I need help with my homework!"

  1. There may be someone in the IPL today (updated!), or maybe Marty has office hours. If so, go see them.
  2. Check the message board; your question may have been answered there.
  3. Put your homework code online and email us at All TAs.
  4. Send us a message on AIM: UW CSE 190 M (Marty), UW CSE 190 M TA (the TAs).
  5. Inspect the page in Firebug. Put alert messages in Javascript code. Check your code with JSLint. Step through code using Firebug's Javascript debugger.
  6. Look at the in-class examples.
  7. Start early! We get swamped on Monday and Tuesday.
  8. Don't panic. You have 5 late days, and even if you run out, it is only -1 for each day late.

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