Quick Facts

I am a freshman at UW and a prospective CSE major. In my free time, I practice piano and play tennis.

Classes I'm currently taking

  1. CSE 154
  2. Physics 121
  3. Math 125
  4. Astronomy 101

Five of My Favorite Things

  1. Favorite animal: Velociraptor
  2. Favorite food: XiaoLongBao
  3. Favorite TV show: Planet Earth
  4. Favorite hobby: Playing piano
  5. Favorite Song: リックロール

A picture that represents when I'm happy

A happy smiley cartoon

This image of a cartoon smiley face character is at this BBC article , written by Suzanne Bearne.

A picture that represents when I'm sad

Two filthy dumpsters

This image of two dumpsters is at this blog post by Eric Geiger.

One of my favorite quotes

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read."

Mark Twain