An excellent site

What is this?

The CSS feature writing-mode was introduced to facilitate text directions other than the classic European left-to-right top-to-bottom style. One of the styles introduced was right-to-left, top-to-bottom, for Chinese or East Asian text.

It cannot be used out-of-the-box when trying to typeset classical books, which may include "smaller" text or punctuation that is offset. Implementations also tend to be buggy. This page attempts to work towards a solution for such text, because I really couldn't think of anything to do for my second webpage.

Instead of using writing-mode: vertical-rl, I tried to use display: flex.

The text used is a passage from the Analects by Confucius.


子曰學而時習之不亦悦乎 馬融 者男子之通稱謂孔子也 王肅曰 時者學者以時誦習之誦習以時 學無廢業 以爲悦懌也 有朋自逺方来不亦 樂乎 苞氏曰 門曰朋也 人不知而不愠不 亦君子乎