
the Velvet Bar

October 2, 2018

Apathy, a cartoon cat, 
			with friends at the Velvet Bar

It's the social venue for Apathy and his pals, the Velvet Bar. Meet with friends to discover their true nature (and upgrade abilities)! There's even a bartender who has yet to be implemented into the code. She had to be somewhere tonight.

New art appeared

October 1, 2018

A work of art depicting a demon who looms
			over a college campus

Art is a common byproduct of working on videogames. I've decided to (eventually) add this drawing into the game. Until then, it's uploaded here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

World Traversal System

September 30, 2018

A screenshot of the game featuring
			various floating worlds

This is a long awaited update for the residents of Ikari; finally, public transportation! The International Bus Stop is a new interface which allows the player to travel between worlds. So far, it only reaches two places, but the vessel will eventually grant access to dungeons.

the Ikari Pelago...

September 29, 2018

Apathy, the cartoon cat, wandering 
			around his hometown

Welcome to the Ikari Pelago, homeworld of our protagonists. Ikari is a group of floating islands that broke off from Earth about a century ago. Now, in the year 21XX, strange creatures have inhabited these lands. With the questionable goddess Divinity at their lead, will Ikari be thrown into political peril?