Quick Access - (You'll be using these a lot)

Code Quality Guide

The code quality guide for CSE 154.

Code Validators

While these will not catch all code quality issues, they do go a long way towards finding some problems. Validating will be a required part of all creative projects and homework assignments.

Piazza Message Board

The go to place for asking any questions about homework or course material! Reminder: Do not post homework solutions on Canvas!

Code Templates

Here's some links to suggested templates for starting projects in this class.

Canvas / GitGrade

The two resources for checking and submitting course assignments and grades in this class.

Code Examples

Examples for various topics and concepts covered in this course.



We will be using GitLab to submit homework assignments this quarter.

Text Editors

We recommend Atom as the text editor for writing code in this class. However, if you prefer a different text editor (Sublime, VisualStudio, Vim, Emacs, etc.) you are free to use that instead.

File Upload Tools

We recommend Filezilla for uploading your files to a server, like your UW student server. (Use the link below to avoid "bloatware"). If you prefer a different tool (WinSCP for Windows or scp for on a terminal shell) you are free to use it instead.

Browser Web Dev Tools

We strongly recommend either Chrome or Firefox as browsers to view your web pages in this class. You can find useful development tools for either choice:

Local Servers

Use these to do server development all from your local machine

Windows Shells

Simulate a Linux machine on your Windows machine. Not needed for Macs because you can run Terminal on Macs (search for "Terminal" in your navigator tool).

Colors & Gradients

Colors are pretty important in web design. Here are a couple of our favorite resources for finding just the right color. Bonus addition: gradients!


Just as important as color are fonts. Once again here are some of our favorite resources. (Google fonts is amazing just fyi).


Adding icons to your website can add an extra touch of professionalism. Here are a few libraries of premade icons.

Languages & Technologies


These are a couple awesome HTML resources. The first three links are HTML tag references (check them out and see which one you prefer).

HTML Inputs/Validation

Getting user input is important. Here are two great links for learning about the HTML input tag and how to validate user input once you have it.


Here's a couple links for getting initially acquainted with CSS.

CSS Layout & Flexbox

Need to organize the elements of your website in a specific fashion? Check out these links to figure out how.

Mobile Friendly CSS

With the majority of internet access happening from the screens of mobile devices, it's more important than ever to know how to design websites that are responsive.

CSS Animations

You can accomplish a stunning variety of animations with CSS. Begin to learn how with these links.

Random CSS Things

An uncategorized list of random, but cool, CSS things.


Incorporate some behavior and functionality into your website. Here are some links to get started with JavaScript.

JavaScript Animations

Fun fact, you can create JavaScript animations too! These are a couple awesome libraries that make animating way easier.

3D Graphics Using JavaScript

A mind boggling web technology is the ability to render 3D graphics/models in the browser. Here's an introduction.


Application Program Interfaces (APIs) allow different programs to interact with each other and make up a key part of how the internet works. Here's an introduction and a list of cool APIs to check out.


PHP is the chosen back-end language of this class. Here are some helpful links for learning, debugging, and practicing the language.

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions (regex for short) is a powerful way to search for specific strings based on a defined pattern. Here are some links to learn about and practice regex.

Extra Goodies

Website Inspiration

Here's a helpful catalog of websites for when you need that extra kick of inspiration.

Interesting Reads

Curious to learn more about various web development topics or the industry at large? Check out of some these quick reads in your free time.

Design & Prototyping Softwares

Web design and prototyping is a topic outside the scope of this course, but it is still a very worthwhile skillset to develop if you have the time or interest. Below are some industry standard design softwares.