Creating a cse154 Working Directory

The first and probably most important thing: create a directory (read: folder) to store your CSE 154 work in! A new subdirectory will be created for each assignment. We recommend the following structure:


Atom and Git

Atom is our recommended text editor. We will use it to program in the different languages covered in CSE 154, as well as to clone assignment Git repositories.

You need to have Atom (or another text editor) and Git setup by the end of Week 1 to get started with your first assignment and to follow along in lecture/section. If you already have experience using Git, you may use the same process you're familiar with, but we otherwise strongly recommend you follow the Atom/Git setup guides for CSE 154, which include helpful packages to support your web development environment in this course.

Node and Local JSLint Install

Please Note: You do not have to set up Node.js and JSLint until we start teaching server-side programming around Week 5 of the quarter.

By default JavaScript can only be interpreted and run by a web browser. But when creating server-side programs we need code that can run on a computer (a server is essentially just a specialized computer for handling network requests). Lucky for us, we can use a piece of software called Node.js to do just that. Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on your computer like a regular Java or Python program, while also giving extra functionality that enables you to respond to network requests over the internet––creating the foundation for writing JavaScript that runs on a server!

Below are two guides for installing and setting up Node.js on your computer.


You will need a Chrome browser on your machine. Webpages are rendered a bit differently between different browsers, thus for consistency we expect students to use Chrome (plus it has some very useful web development tools!).

Woohoo! 🎊

If you have Atom (or an alternative text editor) installed, Git setup, a CSE 154 directory, and the Chrome browser then congratulations! Your CSE 154 web development environment is setup and ready for the quarter ahead!