Final Exam Information

Exam Results

NOTE: Your score on Canvas is your final score for the exam. The exam grade was not "curved" and the scores on the exam are your final score. The aggregate stats were:

  • Mean: 77.76%
  • Median: 83.50%

Two resources you may find useful when reading through your graded exam are:

Regrade policy: Exams are graded collectively by the course staff, meaning your section TA cannot deal with specific exam grading issues. When scans came out too faint to read on Gradescope, originals were used. You will be able to pick up your original copy from reception in the Allen Center.

  • For non-frivolous grading issues, you may submit a regrade request by Thursday, Dec 19th, 10:00pm.
  • Regrade requests are to be initiated through Gradescope by attaching a short, clear note on the part of the exam that you think was graded incorrectly explaining why you would believe the question should be regraded.
    • Note: You are expected to test your solutions fully before submitting your regrade request.
    • Note: Being the end of the semester, any regrade that causes a change in grade will take up to a week to process.
  • Please note that a regrade request will result in the entire exam being re-examined.

Day-of Notes

  • Bring your UW student ID. Bring yourself.
  • Find yourself on the Seating Chart and know where that seat is on the Map.


The exam will have programming, "mechanical," and short answer questions related to material covered in readings, lectures, sections, labs, and HW throughout the quarter, with an emphasis on the second half of the quarter. While examples are not guaranteed to be the same format, some types of problems that have been on previous exams to help guide your studying include:

  • HTML/CSS: DOM, tags, semantics
  • Basic JavaScript programming
  • Client-side JS: DOM manipulation, events, timers, form validation
  • Client-side JS: AJAX, fetch
  • Server-side JS: Building an API with Node.js
  • SQL

This list will be expanded and edited as we get closer to the final date.

Useful Study Resources

Practice Finals

These tests are intended to give you a general idea of the kinds of questions you may see on the real exam. The real exam will have a similar general style of questions as on the practice tests. However, we do not promise that the real exam will exactly match the practice tests in terms of questions, difficulty level, timing, or exact concepts needed to solve each problem. You are responsible for knowing all class material listed under 'Topics'.

PLEASE NOTE: The 19-autumn Final Exam (the one you will take) is a cumulative exam, meaning any content from the entire quarter is fair game. The above practice exams are not.

These two exams are also 60 minutes as opposed to the 110 that we have for this exam. Later this week, we'll be posting another practice that is more reflective of the length to expect.

As well, some of the conventions (e.g., which Node module to use) we've used in class this quarter are different than in past quarters. When in doubt, the guidance given in homework, sections, and lectures take precedence over what's in these exams.


Exam Results

NOTE: Your score on Canvas is your final score for the exam. The exam grade was not "curved" and the scores on the exam are your final score. The aggregate stats were:

  • Mean: 73.9%
  • Median: 77.5%

Two resources you may find useful when reading through your graded exam are:

Regrade policy: Exams are graded collectively by the course staff, meaning your section TA cannot deal with specific exam grading issues.

  • For non-frivolous grading issues, you may submit a regrade request by Monday, Nov 11th, 11:00pm.
  • Regrade requests are to be initiated through Gradescope by attaching a short, clear note on the part of the exam that you think was graded incorrectly explaining why you would believe the question should be regraded.
  • Note: You are expected to test your solutions fully before submitting your regrade request.
  • Please note that a regrade request will result in the entire exam being re-examined.

Midterm Exam Information

  • Date/Time: Monday October 28th, 5:15PM – 6:15PM
  • Location: KNE 110


The exam will have programming, "mechanical", and short answer questions related to material covered in readings, lectures, sections, labs, and HW up through Friday October 25th. While examples are not guaranteed to be the same format as the midterm this quarter, some types of problems that have been on previous midterms to help guide your studying include:

  • Writing HTML and/or CSS from screenshot/text specifications
    • See CSS Basics and Page Layout on CSBS for a number of practice problems
  • Identifying and fixing HTML/CSS/JS validation issues
    • Example: Problem 1 of Practice Midterms 1 and 2
  • CSS query selectors
    • Writing selectors for specified elements or identifying elements selected by a list of selectors) (example)
  • JS programming: DOM manipulation, event listeners/handling, timers, UI validation, etc.
    • (e.g. Section problems from Weeks 2 and 3, JavaScript problems on practice midterms)
  • Short answer responses and "Mechanical/Mystery" including:
    • JS scoping/program execution (example)
    • JSON mystery (accessing keys/values) (example)
    • Understanding the DOM tree given HTML (see Practice Midterms 2 and 3)
    • General use of languages and technologies we have used in class (e.g. separation of languages, basic accessibility principles we have discussed, etc.) (you can find some short answer questions from practice exams)

Useful Study Resources

Practice Midterms

These tests are intended to give you a general idea of the kinds of questions you may see on the real exam. The real exam will have a similar general style of questions as on the practice tests. However, we do not promise that the real exam will exactly match the practice tests in terms of questions, difficulty level, timing, or exact concepts needed to solve each problem. You are responsible for knowing all class material listed under 'Topics'.