Exploration Sessions
Our goal is to offer CSE 154 exploration sessions, much like those that were offered in CSE 142 & 143. This is to give you an opportunity to explore a different topic primarily in web technologies, client/server programming, and more. We will try to offer these once every two weeks. The sessions will also be recorded.
Please come prepared to listen and ask questions of the guest speaker. You may be asked to work on a laptop during the session, but you can also be paired with a classmate if you do not have a laptop to bring with you. If we find that you are using your laptop or other device for something that is not session related, we will ask you to put it away or leave, and you will not receive credit (your "exploration point") for attending.
Earning Exploration Points
Students who attend these sessions and correctly complete a comprehension quiz will earn one "exploration point" which will be added to your homework grade.
You must be present to earn your exploration point. However, we acknowledge that many of you may have legitimate school or familial conflicts that will prevent you from attending in person. These could include:
- You're registered for another class
- An exam that is timed concurrently to a session
- Other standing school obligations such as Husky Band rehearsal (please check with the instructors)
- Familial obligations such as picking up family members from school/daycare that no one else can cover
- Religious obligations
- Other conflicts AS APPROVED BY THE INSTRUCTOR(S) prior to the event
If you have such a conflict but would still like to particpate in an exploration session you may do so, provided you follow these steps:
- Fill out this *form forthcoming* PRIOR to the session requesting the make up. Note: Remember to check with the instructor prior to the event if your conflict is not one of the first 5 listed above.
- Watch the Panopto video once it has been posted below within one week of recording.
- Email the instructor for the password to the Canvas quiz associated with the session. They will send the password to you once they have ensured that you have watched the recording fully.
- Demonstrate your understanding of the material through the associated Canvas quiz.
Location: JHN 075
Time: Thursdays, 5:30pm - 6:30pm (unless otherwise specified)
This schedule is subject to change. We will send an announcement email the day before each session with information about the topic for that session.