How to Get the Most Out of 154

You are going to learn A LOT and that's what awesome about this class. Web Development continuously changes, but it's never too late to start and this class will teach you the relevant information in today's technological world. That being said, there is a lot to learn with all the languages or technologies you will be discovering so please take these tips as you dive into the quarter.

Staying on top of your assignments is absolutely key! The quarter system goes by so fast and before you know it the next homework is due. Even if you are busy with other classes and life, the bare minimum thing that you should do is read the homework spec the day that it is released. They can appear to be very long, but if you plan out your steps and think of what portion you want to focus on one day then it might not seem as bad and can go a lot smoother.

You are bound to get stuck on something. I'm sure everyone did and I especially did at certain parts. That's why you should utilize as many resources as you can. From the TAs to the WPL to the Message Board, there are so many ways you can reach out and ask for help. Not only that, the Message Board will allow you to help others by giving appropriate guidance towards the goal (of course without giving out your code of solution ;) ).

Always try to make it to class whether it's lecture, section, or lab. As with any class, you'll never know if one quick point the professor makes ends up being the biggest take away of the lecture. So try to come and ask questions when you have them at any time, especially if you missed a certain point. For section and lab, attendance counts to your grade and it is a decent chunk so you might as well come since they're essentially free points! Besides that, this is where you can test yourself and see what you've obtained from lecture. Section and lab allow you to not only ask questions, but be able to practice as if they were lighter exam questions for you to get a sense of what to expect.

I hope that wasn't too much to read! Feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions about anything!