The average is 74% and the median is 76% — well done! Scores will not be adjusted.
grade | adjusted | % of class |
As (90-100) | 65 | 22% |
Bs (80-89) | 61 | 21% |
Cs (70-79) | 59 | 20% |
Ds (60-69) | 60 | 20% |
Es (0-59) | 52 | 17% |
question | average raw score |
Q1 (Binary Search Trees) | 5.8 / 6 |
Q2 (BinarySearch Tree Traversals) | 3.5 / 4 |
Q3 (Collections Mystery) | 5.2 / 8 |
Q4 (Inheritance andPolymorphism) | 13.7 / 15 |
Q5 (Comparable andInheritance) | 11.4 / 17 |
Q6 (Binary Tree Programming) | 8.6 / 10 |
Q7 (Binary Tree Programming) | 13.7 / 20 |
Q8 (Linked List Programming) | 11.6 / 20 |
Qx (Extra Credit) | 0.9 / 1 |
If you believe that one or more problem was incorrectly graded and you would like Allison to regrade it, you must:
- Type in the problem(s) to a Java file exactly as it appears on your exam (for mechanical problems, a text file is ok).
- E-mail Allison a detailed description of why you believe your problem(s) were graded incorrectly. Attach the Java file with your code.
- Give Allison your original final either in person or slide it under her office door, CSE438.
- All regrade requests must be received by Wednesday, January 13th.
- Allison will regrade your entire exam meaning that your exam score may go down as a result of a regrade request (capped at -2).
Practice Exams:
cheat sheet (will be provided as last page of exam)
We strongly suggest that you try to solve all of these problems yourself, on paper, without a computer, and without looking at the answer key until you're done. You may also want to time yourself to practice your pacing.
practice final exam (key at the bottom)
Our actual final exam will be most similar to the practice exam above. Additional practice problems can be found in Practice-It or in the PDFs below:
The questions on the final exam will be selected from the following. Each question will be worth between 5-20 points:
- Collections mystery: Trace the execution of code that includes Sets and/or Maps.
- Binary search trees: Given a set of values, add them to a binary search tree. Then perform traversals in the three standard orders on that tree.
- Polymorphism mystery: Given a set of classes with inheritance relationships, a set of variables declared using those classes, and a set of method calls made on those variables, write the output. (similar to section 19 problems)
- Inheritance/Comparable programming: Given an existing class, write a complete subclass of it that adds certain features. Also make the class Comparable based on a given set of comparison criteria. (similar to section 18 problems)
- Collections programming: Write a method that uses one or more class from the Java Collections framework (with focus on Sets and Maps).
- Binary tree programming: Add a method to the IntTree class from lecture. (similar to section 15, 16 problems)
- Binary tree programming: Add a method to the IntTree class from lecture. Similar in spirit to the previous question but harder (likely involves modifying or building a tree).
- Linked list programming: Add a method to the LinkedIntList class from lecture. (similar to section 7, 17 problems)
The following topics are guaranteed NOT to be explicitly tested on the final exam:
- detailed knowledge of Big-Oh (some questions may ask you to solve them within a certain big-Oh limit, but mainly this is just to ward off extremely inefficient answers)
- detailed knowledge of search/sort algorithms
- recursive backtracking (recursion will definitely be needed, but not specific backtracking problems)
- writing code with 2-D arrays
- catching exceptions
- priority queues
- input/output streams
- abstract classes
- inner classes
- implementing an
- implementing a "generic" class (one that accepts type parameters such as <T>)
- hashing
Nov 6 2015 9:30 AM
You can now check your midterm score on Canvas. Your exam will be returned to you in section on Tuesday. Please wait to receive your exam before asking grading questions.
Shift: The score listed on Canvas is your raw score. There will be two types of curves applied to the scores. Your final grade will be computed with the method that shifts your score up the most. The first method will be the originally announced +10 point shift. The second will be using the formula Math.sqrt(rawScore) * 10. If your raw score is 80 we will use the 10 point shift as that gives you a greater boost. If your score is 40 we will use the second formula as it gives you a bigger boost. The maximum possible midterm score is still 100. So, for example, if you got 92 on the exam, your score maxes out at 100, not 102. You can use the calculator below to find out what your adjusted score is.
stat | raw | adjusted |
MEDIAN | 66 | 81.2 |
AVG | 65 | 79.7 |
grade | adjusted | % of class |
As (90-100) | 73 | 22.8% |
Bs (80-89) | 99 | 30.9% |
Cs (70-79) | 93 | 29.0% |
Ds (60-69) | 37 | 11.6% |
Es (0-59) | 18 | 5.6% |
question | average raw score |
Q1 (ArrayList mystery) | 9.46 / 15 |
Q2 (Recursive tracing) | 16.27 / 20 |
Q3 (List nodes) | 10.76 / 15 |
Q4 (Stacks and queues) | 13.33 / 20 |
Q5 (Recursion) | 6.7 / 15 |
Q6 (Collections) | 8.37 / 15 |
Low Grades: some students ask about how much effect a lower midterm score will that have on their grade, or what are their options, etc.? Most of the information to answer this can be found on this web site. The course syllabus lists the relative grading weight of homework vs. midterm vs. final exam, so you can use that to compute the rough effect on your grade of a particular midterm score. You may want to use our new Grade-a-nator page to help you compute your approximate grade. Also look at our FAQ page for info about S/NS grading options, drop dates, and other information.
If your exam score was simply added up incorrectly, take it to your TA and they'll fix it for you.
If you believe that one or more programming problem was incorrectly graded and you would like Allison to regrade it, you must:
- Type in the problem(s) to a Java file exactly as it appears on your exam.
- E-mail Allison a detailed description of why you believe your problem(s) were graded incorrectly. Attach the Java file with your code.
- Give Allison your original midterm either in person or slide it under her door in CSE438.
- All regrade requests must be received by Thursday, November 19th.
- Allison will regrade your entire exam meaning that your exam score may go down as a result of a regrade request (capped at -2).