Engagement Activities
We will be offering several opportunities this quarter to increase engagement
in the class. Some of these will involve exploring extra computer science
topics and some will be targeted at increasing the sense of community in the
142 class. These sessions will be hosted on Zoom. You will accumulate one
"engagement point" for each session that you attend. At the end of the
quarter, your total engagement points will be divided by 3 and will be added
to your homework points. There will be approximately 150 homework points
total, so this isn't adding a lot to your potential score. As an example, if
you were to participate in 3 engagement sessions, you would have 1 point
added to your homework points, which is like getting one more point on a
weekly programming assignment. The idea is to give people a small reward,
but not something that is so large that people feel obligated to participate
in these optional sessions. You can get fractions of a point (e.g., getting
two-thirds of a point for attending 2 sessions).
We will have a question of the day for each lecture where we ask students
to answer a survey question. We hope that these questions will provide an
opportunity to find out more about the students in the class. Some will be
more serious, but we are also interested in having some fun questions. We
are encouraging students to submit questions that you think we should be
asking. If we pick one of your questions, you will get an extra engagement
credit. You can only get one engagement credit for question suggestions.
Submit your
question here
Engagement Sessions Schedule
Thursdays, 5:45-6:45pm
Please come prepared to listen to and ask questions of the guest speaker.
We will send an announcement email the day before each session with
information about that week's topic.
Week 10: Professor Q&A Panel
Speakers: Stuart Reges, Miya Natsuhara, Brett Wortzman
Hear it from the heads themselves! It's time to find out what these professors really are professing. What's it like to teach CSE? What's their story? What do we do in future classes? Why isn't my code compiling? (Maybe not that last one). Prepare yourself for this prestigious premiere of professor paneling!
Week 9: Debugging 201
As we're nearing the end of the quarter, let's reflect on everything
we've learned with Debugging 201! We've all become powerful
programmers with so many tools under our belt, how can we use
debugging to support us now?
Week 8: Programming Languages
We have been learning Java, but there are so many other programming languages out there! What makes these languages different? Why use one over the other? Join us for an exploration of several different programming languages and what makes them special.
Week 7: Theoretical Computer Science
Speaker: Anjali Agarwal
- An introduction to theoretical computer science. We will touch on formal logic, algorithms, and unsolved questions in computing.
Week 6: No exploration session this week
Week 5: What is a Computer?
Speaker: Omar Ibrahim
Week 4: Debugging 101
By now you've had some experience writing Java code and fixing it (debugging). But what are good strategies for debugging? How do you address different types of errors,
like compiler errors, runtime errors, or just unexpected output? At this week's exploration session, you will learn how to improve your debugging skills. There will be
a short presentation on debugging strategies, an interactive walkthrough on fixing common compiler errors, and a hands-on debugging session with a Java program for you to
practice your debugging skills!
- Slides
- Debugging Guide
- ElectionBuggy.java
Week 3: Chaos in Computing
Nature is complex and chaotic, but surprisingly mathematical. In this session, we will
explore how randomness in computing allows us to better simulate and understand the world.
Week 2: Q/A Panel + Tips for Online Learning
Speakers: Various CSE Students and Faculty
- The floor is open to ask TAs and members of the CSE department about the learning experience here
at UW. As we enter yet another quarter of online learning, how can we tackle online better than we did
the quarter before? What strategies can we apply to CSE 142? What even is CSE? Come prepared with
questions of all kinds, or come prepared to listen to others. This is a great opportunity to prepare
yourself for the wonders of CSE to come.
Week 1: No Session