
There are no exams in CSE142 this quarter but we are posting the usual exam resources so that students can practice the skills that are normally tested with the exams.


  • We give students 75 minutes for the midterm
  • We give students 110 minutes for the final

Final Content:

The final will cover material from chapters 1 through 10 of the textbook but will not include graphics. You are not allowed to use more advanced material to solve the programming problems. The final will have the following structure:
Question Points Description
1 5 Reference Mystery
2 10 Array Simulation
3 6 Inheritance
4 10 Token-Based File Processing
5 9 Line-Based File Processing
6 10 Arrays
7 10 ArrayList
8 15 Critters
9 15 Arrays
10 10 Programming (probably hard)
total 100  

Midterm Content

The midterm will cover material from chapters 1 through 5 of the textbook but will not include graphics. You are not allowed to use more advanced material to solve the programming problems. The midterm will have the following structure:
Question Points Description
1 10 expressions
2 12 parameter mystery
3 12 if/else simulation
4 12 while loop simulation
5 15 assertions
6 15 programming
7 15 programming
8 9 programming (probably hard)
total 100