Exam Dates

  • Midterm on Friday, February 10th, from 5:00pm to 6:15pm
  • Final on Wednesday, March 15th, from 12:30pm to 2:20pm
  • Contact Zorah if you need to make other arrangements (zorahf@cs.washington.edu).

Final Results:

icon Final Key

You can now check your final exam score on canvas. Please pick up your exam from the CSE reception before asking grading questions. The reception is open 9am-4pm daily with a lunch break 12pm-1pm.

The exam had an average around 68.4% and a median around 73%. This was a bit lower than I wanted, so I will be more generous with overall course grades.


If you believe that one or more problems were incorrectly graded and you would like an exam regrade, you must:

  • Type up your solutions to the programming problems into jGRASP to test whether or not they work correctly. If not, try to identify what mistakes you've made.
  • If, based on the results, you still believe that the problem was graded unfairly, e-mail Zorah a detailed description of why you believe your problem(s) were graded incorrectly. Include the Java code of your solutions to the programming problems EXACTLY is it was written.
  • Slide your test under Zorah's office door at CSE 446.
  • All regrade requests must be received by Friday, April 7th 2017.
  • Zorah will regrade your entire exam, meaning your exam score may go down if she finds that your exam was graded too leniently. So make sure to check your other problems as well!

Final content

  • icon cheat sheet (will be provided as last page of exam)
  • Practice-It has many practice finals which are meant to be similar in structure to the exam you will take.
  • We recommend practicing on paper. Here are PDFs you can print: (key listed at the end)
  • Material from chapters 1-9 is considered "fair game"
  • Your exam may vary somewhat from the samples provided but is guaranteed to have the following problems:
    • array mystery
    • inheritance mystery
    • reference mystery
    • A token-based file processing programming problem
    • A line-based file processing programming problem (may be mixed line and token based)
    • at least two array programming problem
    • Critters programming problem
    • Classes/Object problem (i.e. writing a class other than a class extending Critter)
  • The following types of problems that may appear on sample final exams that are guaranteed to NOT be on the final exam:
    • Expressions problem (though understanding and use of expressions may appear in other problems)
    • ArrayList programming problem
  • The following topics are guaranteed NOT to be explicitly tested on the final exam:
    • System.out.printf will not be required. System.out.println and System.out.print will be covered.
    • converting between decimal (base-10) and binary (base-2) numbers
    • classes DrawingPanel and Graphics
    • do/while loops and the break statement (regular while loops may be needed, though)
    • exceptions and try/catch statements
    • preconditions and postconditions
    • the Java assert statement
    • null
    • multidimensional arrays
    • the Object class; implementing an equals method; the instanceof keyword
    • classes with static fields / methods
    • the advanced Husky-only methods of Critters, such as getX, getNeighbor, win, lose, and mate
    • interfaces; abstract classes
    • material from Chapter 10 and above

Final Rules and Information:

  • You must sit in your assigned seat.
  • We may ask to check your UW ID card during the exam so please have it ready.
  • You will have 110 minutes to complete the exam. You may receive a 10-point deduction if you keep your exam booklet open after time is called.
  • The exam is closed-book. You must work alone and may not use any computing devices of any kind including calculators or digital copies of the textbook. Cell phones, music players, and other electronic devices may NOT be out during the exam for any reason.
  • Unless a question specifically mentions otherwise, your code you write will be graded purely on external correctness (proper behavior and output) and not on internal correctness (style). So, for example, redundancy or lack of comments will not reduce your score.
  • You don't need to write any import statements in your exam code.
  • Please be quiet during the exam. If you have a question or need, please raise your hand.
  • Corrections or clarifications to the exam will be written at the front of the room.
  • If you violate the University Code of Conduct during the exam, you may receive a 0% for the exam and possibly further punishment.
  • When you have finished the exam, please turn in your exam quietly and leave the room.
  • If you enter the room, you must turn in an exam paper and will not be permitted to leave the room without doing so.


icon Midterm key

Your exam will be returned to you in section on Thursday. Please wait to receive your exam before asking grading questions.

The average was a 73.8 and the median was a 76. The test was a little bit longer and more challenging that I had intended so your exam scores will be shifted by +5 points (capped at 100). The exam grade on canvas will be your raw (pre-shifted) grade. Here is a Histogram of the shifted scores in the class. I wrote this up pretty quickly using DrawingPanel. After Monday's lecture, you will have learned all the tools to make this yourself, and we'll specifically discuss how to use arrays to help us solve this kind of problem on Wednesday!


If your exam score was simply added up incorrectly, take it to your TA and they'll fix it for you.

If you believe that one or more problems were incorrectly graded and you would like an exam regrade, you must:

  • Type up your solutions to the programming problems into jGRASP to test whether or not they work correctly. If not, try to identify what mistakes you've made. We've provided a Testing Program for problem #8. If you would like to be regraded on problem #8, please type up your solution into this testing program.
  • If, based on the results, you still believe that the problem was graded unfairly, e-mail Zorah a detailed description of why you believe your problem(s) were graded incorrectly. Include the Java code of your solutions to the programming problems EXACTLY is it was written. If you would like a regrade on problem #8, provide the Test8.java file with your solution filled in.
  • Slide your test under Zorah's office door at CSE 446.
  • All regrade requests must be received by Friday 2/24.
  • Zorah will regrade your entire exam, meaning your exam score may go down if she finds that your exam was graded too leniently. So make sure to check your other problems as well!

Midterm Content

  • icon cheat sheet (will be provided as last page of exam)
  • Practice-It has many practice midterms which are meant to be similar in structure to the exam you will take.
  • We recommend practicing on paper. Here is a PDF of a practice midterm that is very close in format to your exam.
  • Past exam questions can be found here
  • Material from Chapters 1-5 and the lectures is considered "fair game" for questions on the actual midterm.
    The midterm will have the following structure:
    Question Description
    1 expressions
    2 parameter mystery
    3 if/else simulation
    4 while loop simulation
    5 assertions
    6 programming
    7 programming
    8 programming (probably hard)
  • The following topics are guaranteed NOT to be tested on the midterm in any form:
    • System.out.printf will not be required. System.out.println and System.out.print will be covered.
    • converting between decimal (base-10) and binary (base-2) numbers
    • classes DrawingPanel, Graphics, and Color
    • exceptions
    • do/while loops and the break statement (regular while loops WILL be tested)
    • the Java assert statement (not the same as logical assertions, which WILL be tested)
    • material from Chapter 6 and above (file I/O, etc.)

Midterm Rules and Information:

  • You must sit in your assigned seat.
    • Kane 110 (sections A5, AA, AC, AD, AE, AH, AO, AP, AU): list, map
    • Kane 120 (All B sections): list, map
    • Kane 130 (sections A1, A2, A3, A4, AB, AF, AG, AI, AJ, AK, AL, AN, AQ, AS, AT, AV, AX, AY, AZ): list, map
  • We may ask to check your UW ID card during the exam so please have it ready.
  • You will have 75 minutes to complete the exam. You may receive a 10-point deduction if you keep your exam booklet open after time is called. You may not leave the room until 35 minutes have passed.
  • The exam is closed-book, closed-note. You must work alone and may not use any computing devices of any kind including calculators or digital copies of the textbook. Cell phones, music players, and other electronic devices may NOT be out during the exam for any reason.
  • Unless a question specifically mentions otherwise, your code you write will be graded purely on external correctness (proper behavior and output) and not on internal correctness (style). So, for example, redundancy or lack of comments will not reduce your score.
  • You don't need to write any import statements in your exam code.
  • Please be quiet during the exam. If you have a question or need, please raise your hand.
  • Corrections or clarifications to the exam will be written at the front of the room.
  • If you violate the University Code of Conduct during the exam, you may receive a 0% for the exam and possibly further punishment.
  • When you have finished the exam, please turn in your exam quietly and leave the room.
  • If you enter the room, you must turn in an exam paper and will not be permitted to leave the room without doing so.