[02/06] Homework 3 doodles: wow! Take a look at these!
[01/28] Homework 2 ASCII art: check out some amazing submissions from homework 2!
[01/22] Homework 1 verses: check out these fantastic 6th verses!
Interesting links
[02/22] As some of you may have discovered or read in the book, You don't need curly braces for control statements that only have one line in their body. But this can lead to terrible bugs so DON'T DO IT! Apple did and here's what happened.
[01/30] Double buffering -- how to stop that annoying flicker from DrawingPanel animations. Don't look too closely at the code since it assumes a somewhat different graphics context but pay attention to the big ideas.
[01/24] For custom colors: RGB color wheel and color list (red, green and blue are given as percentages so you'll need to multiply by 255); nice Wikipedia article on RGB.