NOTE: This old web site is out of date. This is the course web site from a past quarter, 14sp (Spring 2014), but the current quarter is 25wi (Winter 2025). If you are a current student taking the course, this is not your class web site, and you should visit the current class web site instead.

Homework Assignments

icon Turn in HW8 Homework 8 (Critters)

Due Tuesday, June 3, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, June 6, 9:00pm.

Specification: icon Specification
Provided Files: icon (the main simulator and program that you must run)
icon (a smaller client program you can run to do basic testing)
icon (the default definition of a critter animal that you must extend)
icon (an example animal that isn't very exciting)
icon (all of the files above in one zip file)
Sample Solution: icon Critters Sample Solution (run this to see how yours should behave)
Tournament Details:
FAQ and Links:

icon Turn in HW7 Homework 7 (Personality)

Due Tuesday, May 27, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, May 30, 9:00pm.

Input files:
Expected output:
Take the test: icon Personality Survey
FAQ and Links:

icon Turn in HW6 Homework 6 (Baby Names)

Due Tuesday, May 20, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, May 23, 9:00pm.

Specification: icon Specification
Required Files: icon names.txt | icon names2.txt | icon | icon, a compressed names.txt
Expected Output (taken on OS X):
Don, male: icon console icon graphical
Ethel, female: icon console icon graphical
Lisa, female: icon console icon graphical
Sue, male: icon console icon graphical
zOIdBErg: icon console (no graphical output)
names2.txt, starting in 1962 running for 28 years, 8 pixels per year
Don, male: icon console icon graphical
Ethel, female: icon console icon graphical
Lisa, female: icon console icon graphical
Sue, male: icon console icon graphical
zOIdBErg: icon console (no graphical output)
NOTE: default fonts will vary from operating system to operating system. The DrawingPanel compare to web feature includes output for OS X and Windows. Here is a zip of the graphical output files on a Linux OS.
FAQ and links:

icon Turn in HW5 Homework 5 (Guessing Game)

Due Tuesday, May 6, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, May 9, 9:00pm.

Expected Output:
  • icon #1 icon #2 icon #3 icon #4
  • with constant changed: icon -> to 5 icon -> to 374
  • Because the program is random, it's hard to match our expected output exactly. But you should match the exact format shown. See the HW5 FAQ link below to learn possible ways to exactly match our output.
FAQ and Links:

icon Turn in HW4 Homework 4 (Gradanator)

Due Tuesday, April 29, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, May 2, 9:00pm.

Expected Output:

These provided tests do not test every possible case. You should perform your own testing with other input values to make sure that your program works correctly.

FAQ and Links:

icon Turn in HW3 Homework 3 (Doodle / Illusion)

Due Tuesday, April 22, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, April 25, 9:00pm.

Resource Files:
  • icon (right-click this link and Save the file in the same folder as your HW3 program)
Expected Output:
FAQ and Links:

iconTurn in HW2 Homework 2 (ASCII Art / Space Needle)

Due Tuesday, April 15, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, April 18, 9:00pm.

Expected Output:
FAQ and Links:

icon Turn in HW1 Homework 1 (Song)

Due Tuesday, April 8, 9:00pm.
No submissions accepted after Friday, April 11, 9:00pm.

Expected Output:
FAQ and Links:

"I need help with my homework!"

  • There is probably someone in the IPL today, or maybe Benson and Whitaker have office hours.
  • Check the message board; your question may have been answered there.
  • Read the relevant chapters and sections of the textbook, or watch the textbook "online portal" videos if you have access to them.
  • Look at the in-class lecture examples.
  • Look at this week's section handout problems and their solutions.
  • Start early! We get swamped the day assignments are due.
  • Don't panic. You have late days, and even if you run out, it is only -1 point for each day late.