Exploration Sessions
Exploration session time/place: Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30; Location: SMI 120
Each week we will offer a different opportunity to explore extra topics in computer science with one of our TAs. You will accumulate one "exploration point" for each week that you attend the lecture. At the end of the quarter, your total exploration points will be divided by 3 and will be added to your homework points. There will be 166 homework points total, so this isn't adding a lot to your potential score. As an example, if you were to participate in 3 exploration sessions, you would have 1 point added to your homework points, which is like getting one more point on a weekly programming assignment. The idea is to give people a small reward, but not something that is so large that people feel obligated to participate in these optional sessions.
Week 10 (Mobile Development) - Weds, March 13, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Zac Iqbal
- This week we'll look at mobile development, particularly on the Android platform. We'll look at what goes into creating mobile applications and how it relates to things you've learned in 142.
Week 9 (Games) - Weds, March 6, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Alex Miller
- This week we will look at what goes into game development. We will look at some of the fundamentals of game programming and build a simple game together.
- Links:
Week 8 (Cryptography) - Weds, February 27, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Simone Schaffer
- This week we will look at cryptography. We'll examine what goes in to making your digital information secure and protecting it from malicious people.
Week 7 (Computer Animation) - Weds, February 20, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Valerie Liang
- A presentation on the world of animation. We will explore the production pipeline and touch on each aspect that makes an animated film come to life including how programmers are utilized to make this happen. Afterwards, we will briefly discuss the animation capstone offered at the University of Washington through the CSE department.
- Slides
Week 6 (Web Development) - Weds, February 13, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Tyler Rigsby
- This week will be a look at web development. We'll get a glimpse at the various technologies that go into making static and dynamic websites, how to see how websites are built, and some of the issues that go along with web development.
- CSE 154 will be taught this spring by the 142 textbook's co-author, Marty Stepp. The only prerequisite for the class is cse142.
Week 5 (Computational Linguistics) - Weds, February 6, 3:30-4:20pm in SMI120
- Presenter: Caitlin Harding
- This week we'll explore one of the fastest growing fields in computer science. Come see what exactly is going on in the world of computational linguistics and why it is becoming so popular as we take a brief tour through its many subfields. Our TA Caitlin guarantees there will be something interesting for everyone!
- Slides
Week 4 (Postponed)
Week 3 (Cellular Automata) -- Weds, January 23 3:30-4:20 in SMI120
- Presenter: Alex Miller
- Some label the field of cellular automata as "recreational science". As we'll see, a cellular automaton is no more than a strange sort of game. However, these games turn out to have extraordinary implications in many fields, and some think they can explain the nature of the universe! We'll take a close look at some interesting cellular automata and discover why mathematicians and computer scientists are so obsessed with them.
- Links:
Week 2 (Computers) -- Weds, January 16 3:30-4:20 - SMI 120
- Presenter: Tyler Rigsby
- Note the time/location change for this and future exploration sessions.
This week will be a look at computers themselves. We'll look at such topics as:
- What is a computer?
- Some history of computers and computer science.
- How do computers work?
- A good understanding of these topics will take years, but in our short time we'll look at some of the foundations and more interesting aspects of these topics.
- Slides from Session
Week 1 (Intro) -- Thurs, January 10 3:30-4:20 - EEB 125
- Presenter: Tyler Rigsby
This week will be a breadth-over-depth look at a variety of exciting areas and technologies being researched both at the UW and elsewhere. Topics will include:
- Computer Security/Hacking
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Computer Vision
- Computer Games
- This session is meant to be a preview of the sort of topics we'll look more closely at in future weeks. Afterwards, there will be a survey to gauge the interest in each topic.
- Slides from Session
- Exploration Session Survey