Labs (CSE 190)

Students can sign up for an optional "CSE 190" programming lab for a 5th CSE credit to supplement the CSE 142 course. In this lab, each student will work at a computer for 50 minutes once per week to solve programming problems. TAs will be present to help answer questions. There will also be short homework problems assigned (approximately 30 minutes of work each week).

icon Turn in Lab 1 here. Lab 1 (Static Methods; Expressions and Variables)

Due Wednesday January 18, 9:30am.
No submissions accepted after Wednesday January 25, 9:30am.

Labs description:

CSE 190 is intended for students who want extra help or extra practice working with the CSE 142 material. It is optional. If you sign up for the 190 lab, every Tuesday you would go to a lab in Mary Gates Hall and work on CSE problems at a computer for 50 minutes and then complete approximately 30 minutes of homework on your own.

CSE190 is a CR/NC pass/fail course. You get the credit by showing up, working on the problems, and completing the homework. TAs from our course will be there walking around and helping everyone and answering questions. We try to have a relaxed atmosphere open to collaboration, sharing information, asking questions, working together, etc.

Note that our sessions are CSE 190 sections "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", and "M" (not section "A" and "T", which are different seminar sessions). The labs take place on Tuesdays at various times. Here's the link to the University time schedule with more info about the times/places:

UW Time Schedule, CSE 190

Lab policies: