CSE 142: Computer Programming I, Summer 2008 |
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Q: I need help with my homework! What should I do?
A: There are lots of resources available to help you. For example:
Q: The course (or the section I want) appears to be full. How do I add CSE 142 to my schedule? How do I change sections?
A: Contact our course administrator, Pim Lustig (pl@cs.washington.edu), for all registration issues such as adding the course or changing sections. He will be happy to help you.
Q: What is the difference in the section labeled "prior programming experience"?
A: It's not all that much different than the other CSE 142 sections. Students in that section do the same practice problems as every other section. But the TA for that section generally assumes that the students are somewhat advanced, so they may cover the concepts and problems at a faster pace, or they may finish more problems than other sections.
When we see the students who want to take 142 but have a fair amount of prior programming experence, so they seem like they might be bored in the class, we recommend that they consider that section. But it's not urgently important that they join that particular section, since it's probably only about 10% different from the others at most. Being in it certainly doesn't give the student any special mark or "honors" credit or anything like that.
Q: I have a scheduling conflict and need to miss a lecture. Is this okay? How can I find out what I missed?
A: Lecture attendance is optional, so you may miss a lecture without penalty (so long as no exam takes place on that day). To find out what you missed, look at the Lectures section of the course web site. All slides and program code from lecture will be posted there.
Q: When is the last date to drop the course? When is the last date to switch to Credit/No Credit (C/NC)?
A: This information can be found at the UW Time Schedule for this quarter.
Q: I'd like to buy a used textbook, and I found one online, but it has a different ISBN. Is that still the right textbook? Is it okay to buy that textbook anyway?
A: There have been four ISBNs for our Building Java Programs textbook. Two of these are considered acceptable / recommended, and two are not: