Preparing for Projects for CSE 130

Spring Quarter, 2009

The project is an opportunity to create an original image processing program to explore a particular idea, and it is a chance to work in a team. Although the project and the remaining assignments will take place at the same time, the amount of work on the assignments will be reduced so that you have time to do the projects.

By Monday, May 11

Use Catalyst WebQ (to be set up and linked from here by Thursday night) to provide this information. Identify your team. Most teams will be either one person working alone or partnerships of two. Teams of three are also possible if you have a more ambitious project. Who are the members of your team?
Choose a topic for your project, and choose a role for each teammate. What is your team's topic? What are the roles for each teammate?
Each project should consist of a Python program that controls PixelMath and does at least one of the following: (a) demonstrates a way to combine two effects we have covered in class, or (b) demonstrates a new effect (one not covered in class), or (c) illustrates an image processing technique in an artistic, educational or game context.

Suggested Topics

Here is a list of suggestions for topics.
  1. smooth transitioning from one stereogram to another.
  2. stereogram construction in which the depth image depends on parameters entered by the user.
  3. an interactive game in which the player gets to choose among a set of transformations in order to discover a hidden message.
  4. a photomosaic that changes in time. The change could be either (a) the tiles change while the emergent large image stays the same, (b) the tile images change and the emergent image changes.
  5. a two-player game in which one player works to "camouflage" a pattern in an image, and the other player works to "discover" (extract) the pattern. (alternatively, a one-player game in which various camouflage challenges are presented and the goal is to extract the patterns).
  6. an implementation of Conway's game of Life using PixelMath and Python.
  7. a program that measures the shapes of objects and reports statistics (such as averages and standard deviations) or that classifies the objects according to features such as shape, area, perimeter.
  8. an artistic study in image superposition using "stenciling" techniques in which one image serves as a mask for another, or the pixels of one image are used to select colors from one or another of two other images.
  9. a comparison of image filtering by two methods: the Fourier transform and median filtering.
  10. anamorphic images using various optical transformations
  11. lenticular imagery
  12. Escher tilings
  13. morphing transitions
  14. game pitting a watermark embedder vs a watermark remover.
  15. game pitting a CAPTCHA creator against a cracker. The goal for the creator is to transform a text message is such a way that it is legible to humans but cannot be deciphered by the cracker's code.
  16. design and implementation Pixel Bingo, with a game structure such as the following: Each player receives a specially prepared image. Each player runs a special Python script to set up his/her image. The "caller" runs a special script that generates seemingly random number pairs -- but they are X, Y coordinate pairs. Players "mark" these pixels on their image. Players win when they get 5 marked pixels in a line. Variation: the caller calls out RGB values, and the players have to find pixels in their image with the special color. They can then mark the pixel.
  17. interactive tutorial about an image processing concept, OR a math or computing concept applied to images. Concepts might be convolution, linear filtering, Fourier transform, wavelets, Discrete cosine transform.
  18. a new artistic tool in PixelMath for touching up images or creating special effects. But instead of driving it from the mouse, drive it from a list or stream of vectors ((dx0,dy0), (dx1,dy1), ...).

Additional Planning Questions

Answer these in the same WebQ questionnaire. What resources have you been able to identify for your project so far? (Mention at least one reference article or web site that is relevant to your topic.) Can you identify separate technical, educational and artistic goals for your your project? What are they?

Project Reports

Written project reports are due Tuesday, June 9 at 5:00 PM. Here are the report guidelines.