Project Report Guidelines for CSE 130

Spring Quarter, 2009

By Tuesday, June 9 at 5:00 PM

Submit your project reports using Catalyst CollectIt. All Python programs should be submitted BOTH as separate files to Catalyst CollectIt AND to the INFACT file management facility. If you use any formula pages, do the same with them. The various source images you use in your project should be on INFACT, ready to run in your programs; they don't have to be submitted to Catalyst. Set the permissions on these files so they can be accessed by all.
Here is a checklist of items to include in the report.
  1. Names of the members of the team.
  2. Title of the project.
  3. Short summary of what your program does (2-3 sentences).
  4. Technical goal(s) of your project. What functionality and/or techniques did you work to implement or apply?
  5. Artistic goal(s) of your project. In what way(s) does your project (or did you strive for your project) to achieve: beauty? communication of a message or idea? consistency of style? visual interest?
  6. Educational goal(s) of your project. What have you hoped to learn from the project, or what have you learned? What can your users or demo audience learn from your program?
  7. Technical explanation. How is your program organized? If you have multiple separate Python files, then what is the purpose of each Python file? What is (or are) the main image processing technique(s) you are using in the project, and how does it work?
  8. Explanation of sample code. Select a key or an interesting part of your Python code (minimum 5 lines, maximum 30 lines), excerpt it and explain it. What is it doing? How does it work?
  9. Team roles. What parts of the project were done by each team member? How did each team member add value to the project?
  10. What you learned. For each team member, mention the main things learned in doing the project.
  11. Brief demo instructions. How should someone (such as the instructor and TA) run your program? Under whose name and with what filename is the main Python program stored on INFACT? If the program asks the user for input, what are good values to enter?
  12. Possible future work. If you have more time, what would you consider changing or adding to the program?
  13. References used. Cite at least two references used in your project. At least one should refer to material outside of course-provided materials.