Logo Design

Due: Must be submitted on Canvas before the end of January 17.


  • Additional practice using the Processing language.
  • Be creative and design and build your own customized logo!

Logo Design

Step 1: Design Your Logo

Start by choosing a logo to design/redesign. It can be the logo for a school, a business, a sports team, your personal brand, or something else. The logo should have at least two letters in it. A UW logo was shown in lecture (shown at right), so we would prefer you to choose something else.

Using pencil and paper, sketch at least four ideas for different logo designs. At minimum it should use rectangles, but you are encouraged to use other shapes and lines, too.

Then, select your top logo choice and redraw it nice and big on a new piece of paper. Label the important points (coordinates) you will need in your program.

Note: You will be scanning and submitting these sketches as part of the assignment, so make sure to keep them with you!

Step 2: Create the Logo

Program your logo in Processing.

  • Your solution should use different shapes and colors as appropriate.
  • Although your logo is likely static, make sure you create an active program (with setup() and draw()).
    Recall that an active program just means that it is continually executing the draw() function -- NOT that there needs to be motion.
  • Make sure to add comments so that another person could easily change a parameter to alter the appearance of your logo without breaking anything.
  • Make sure to indent properly as well.


  1. Read through the rubric carefully on the Assignment Page so you know what we will be checking for.
  2. Submit your sketches from Step 1 (.jpg, .png, or .pdf) along with your finished .pde file from Step 2.