Lab 1: Exploring Lightbot

Due Date: Must be checked off before lab section on 1/9/2018.


  • Have fun!
  • Set the context for the second lecture.


In a web browser, visit to access the game Lightbot 2.0.

  • If you are experiencing issues getting the game to run, make sure you have Adobe Flash Player installed or try again using the Firefox web browser.

Exploring Lightbot

After the opening visuals, click "Play."

Step 1: Basic Exercises

Work through all of the Basic Exercises by clicking on the leftmost square under basics; see the red arrow in the figure below:

Step 2: Recursion Exercises

Work through the first three Recursion Exercises. These are a little more interesting!

Step 3: More Recursion [OPTIONAL]

Try Recursion Exercise 4. This is a more challenging problem, but definitely not impossible.


  • Show your TA your Lightbot 2.0 play screen, showing all of the BASICS boxes and at least the first three RECURSION boxes highlighted in yellow, indicating completion.