Snyder's Saturday Seminar slides on Fluency and Prototyping CSE100 |
Fluency with Information Technology |
The Fluency Vision
CSE100/IMT100 is an introductory class implementing the recommendations of the National Research Council’s study Being Fluent With Information Technology [National Academy Press, 1999]. The report describes the knowledge and experience a person should possess to be fluent in information technology, where fluency is a more ambitious goal than computer literacy.Literacy vs Fluency Computer literacy has traditionally meant proficiency with a few contemporary computer applications such as email, word processing and the like. Though such literacy instruction enables students to use computers directly, it does not have the staying power needed to accommodate the rapid changes in Information Technology. To use computers effectively over time, people must become lifelong learners, continually expanding their knowledge and upgrading their skills. The NRC report adopts the term "fluency" for this more fundamental understanding of IT. The term connotes the ability to synthesize, to express oneself creatively, and to manipulate the medium to achieve one’s goals.Components of Fluency The NRC report identifies three types of knowledge that are essential for fluency:
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