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JavaScript Storyteller, Part B

Create your Part B folder and copy files into it


Your first task is to copy your storytellerA folder and all the files it contains to storytellerB to get ready for the new project. Then you will "put" the new storytellerB folder and its contents on the remote server. If you need more directions, this page walks you through the process.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl-A select all
Ctrl-C copy selection
Ctrl-X cut selection
Ctrl-V paste selection
Ctrl-S save file
Ctrl-N new file
Ctrl-O open file

Alt-Tab toggle between open programs
(Hold down Alt and press Tab repeatedly to tab through open programs.)

  1. Find your fit100 folder on your local hard drive and open it.
  2. Copy your storytellerA folder and paste it into a blank area of the fit100 folder. Make sure no folders are highlighted when you paste.
  3. Rename the copied folder as storytellerB.
  4. Open your sftp software.
    1. Navigate to your fit100 folder on the local and remote sides.
    2. Drag your storytellerB folder from local (left side) to right (remote).

    3. Open the storytellerB folder on the remote.
    4. Make sure that all the files were copied that are in the storytellerA folder.

  5. Go to the Catalyst WebQ and answer Question 1.
  6. Now that your files have been copied to your storytellerB folder, you are ready to start adding scripting to your page...

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