1. Create a folder called "Lab04" inside your "fit100" folder in public_html.
2. Upload your finished picture to that folder.
3. Create a Word document with your name, student number, lab section, date, and URL for the page that has the picture.
4. Now add to your Word document:
- The URL of a site that offers copyright free images and paste in the text the explains how the image can be used.
- The URL of the photo you manipulated (Red Square without pedestrians and with a bigger Mt. Rainier in the background).
5. Upload this file to the Catalyst DropBox (when you get to the Catalyst page, remember to click on:
in the left column to find all of the drop boxes for this class, then choose the one for Lab 4).
If you would like to do more photo editing at home, download Gimp for free.