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Lab 8/9 Conditionals

Setting up the page

1. Create a new XHTML strict page just like you've done in the other labs/exercises - use Dreamweaver or use a text editor and paste in this initial HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
   <title>Untitled Document</title>

2. Save the file as "Lab08&09.html" and put it in a folder "Lab08&09" inside your "fit100" folder in your web (Dante) account. To be sure you've put it in the correct location, go to, change "yourUWnetID" to your UW netID (if you've stored your file in the correct location, you'll see a blank page with the page title "Untitled Document").

3. Add a title and the heading "North American Time Zones" (using <H1> tags).


Next, you'll add the form elements. There are 3 form elements (elements that go inside the <form> tags):

1 text box text box to enter the time you want to start with

1 drop-down list Drop-down list to indicate whether that time is morning or afternoon

1 element we haven't used before: a set of radio buttons: radio buttons

4. Type the opening and closing <form> tags.

5. Inside these form tags, create the text box using the <input> tag with these 3 attributes:

type="text" (this tells it to be a text box rather than a button, or other input type)

id="hoursBox" (the id will allow us to retrieve the number the user has entered using document.getElementById().value)

size="2" (the box only needs to be large enough to hold 1 or 2 numbers)

6. Create the drop-down list using the <select> tags and 2 sets of <option> tags.

Give the <select> tag the attribute id="ampmList"

Give the first <option> tag the attribute value="am" and the second <option> tag the attribute value="pm"

7. Go to the Catalyst quiz and answer the first question, then return to these directions to continue the lab.

Next, you'll add the radio buttons

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