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FIT 100

Fluency with Information Technology

Spring 2008


View previous announcements by visiting the listServ archives.

Office Hours and Drop-In Labs

Office Hours (MGH 330J)
Drop-In Labs
D.A. Clements

Thur. 10:30-11:20am

Wed. 10:30-11:20am (MGH 430)

Teaching Assistants (TA's)
Office Hours (MGH 330K)
Drop-In Labs
Marilyn Ostergren

Thur. 12-1pm

New! Tue. 3:30-4:20pm (OUGL 101)

Marc Dupuis


Mon. 4:30-5:20pm (MGH 430)

Wed. 1:30-2:20 (MGH 044)
Different room (MGH 058) on April 30, May 21, and June 4

Friday 4-6pm (MGH 030)

Kelly Smith

Mon. 11:30am-12:20pm

Wed. 11:30am-12:20pm (MGH 430)

DA Clements
D.A. Clements

Students from any lab section can go to any office hours. D.A.'s office is in MGH 330J, across the hall from MGH 330K. Both offices are both located on the third floor of Mary Gates Hall [campus map], under the "n" in "Information" on the MGH map. Click on the third floor map to see more detail.


Mary Gates Hall 389, MWF, 12:30-1:20pm ... Please arrive on time. [map]

Lab Sections and TAs

Teaching Assistant
Days & Times
Marc Dupuis
Marc Dupuis

MW 330-420 MGH 030 [campus map]
(G level of Mary Gates Hall)

AC MW 0230-320  MGH 030 [campus map]
(G level of Mary Gates Hall)
Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith
AB MW 130-220 MGH 030 [campus map]
(G level of Mary Gates Hall)

AD TTh 0930-1020  MGH 430 [campus map]
4th Floor of Mary Gates Hall
Marilyn Ostergren
Marilyn Ostergren
AE TTh 0130-220  OUGL 101 [campus map]
1st Floor of Odegaard Undergraduate Library

AF TTh 0230-320  OUGL 101 [campus map]
1st Floor of Odegaard Undergraduate Library
gold rectangle   Site is maintained by D.A. Clements