Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
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A major part of this course is reading and discussing recent research papers. These will show what is state of the art in the field and what are exciting open problems waiting to be solved. The readings might also motivate a class project that you will complete for this course (more below).

Before each class, you will read the papers that we will discuss, and submit a unique review to an online discussion board. In your review you can address questions such as: What more is to be had from that idea? What technical, social or economic impact will it have? What problems or difficulties does the idea bring? What other work did (or should) the idea motivate? What other work lead to this idea? What would you have done differently if you were the author? You can also answer your own questions, raise new questions or answer questions raised by other students.

Note that it is generally easier to criticize some aspects of a paper, but this may not always be helpful. You will often benefit by also trying to find out which aspects were well done, and by saying what you would have done differently if you were given the same resources available to the original authors.

The schedule page will tell you which papers we will be covering in each class. Summaries should be about 1/2 or 3/4 of a page in length, certainly no longer than one page.

All reviews should be submitted by 9:30am on the day of class so Dan can read and incorporate them in the class flow.

Term Project

Projects (for students taking the course for three credits) are a large component of CSE574. These projects may be individual or done in small groups (2 to 4 students).

Any topic is acceptable so long as it is related to the course topics. Specifically, while programming-oriented projects are recommended, literature reviews or other 'report oriented' projects may be acceptable as well. Furthermore, if you are already working on a relevant project (e.g. quals or thesis) check with Dan, since work on it may well count for the project component. For more information, see the project page.

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX