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 CSE 521 Assignments
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    Instructions: You are allowed to collaborate with fellow students taking the class in solving problem sets. However, you must write up your problem sets individually. If you do collaborate in any way, you must acknowledge for each problem the people you worked with on that problem.

The problems have been chosen for their pedagogical value and hence might be similar or identical to those given out in past offerings of this course at UW, or similar courses at other schools. Using any pre-existing solutions from these sources, from the Web or other algorithms textbooks constitues a violation of the academic integrity expected of you and is strictly prohibited.

Most of the problems require only one or two key ideas for their solution. In writing up your solutions make sure that you clearly write out the main ideas of your solution first so that if you make a mistake in the details you can still get good partial credit for the problem. After you sketch out your solution try to clean up your presentation to make sure that you are only making necessary correct claims since additional incorrect claims will hurt your score.

We prefer typed solution, but if this is not possible, then handwritten is acceptable as long as everything is extremely legible. The goal for this is not to be time-consuming so don't waste time using drawing programs; hand-drawn diagrams are OK.

You are allowed to hand in one assignment (not the midterm or the last assignment) one lecture late. Otherwise no late work will be accepted. Homework is due at the start of lecture.

Whether or not the problem asks for it explicitly, you are required to prove that your algorithms do what you claim.

A final piece of advice: Begin work on the problem set right away and don't wait till the deadline is only a few days away.

We will follow these grading guidelines (originally written by Anna Karlin).

HW 1 Oct 11 solutions
HW 2 Oct 18 solutions
HW 3 Oct 25 solutions
HW 4 Nov 1 solutions
midterm Nov 8 solutions
HW 5 Nov 15 solutions
HW 6 Nov 22 solutions
HW 7 Dec 1 solutions
HW 8 Dec 8 solutions

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[comments to Aram Harrow]