Termination for IMP programs

Require Import Bool.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import IMPSyntax.
Require Import IMPSemantics.

Ltac ecea := econstructor; eauto.
Ltac erep := repeat ecea.

Lemma can_eval:
  forall h e,
  exists i, eval h e i.
  intros; induction e.
  - erep.
  - erep.
  - destruct IHe1; destruct IHe2.
take apart IH before eauto

Lemma can_step:
  forall s,
    s <> Nop ->
    forall h, exists , exists , step h s .
  intros; induction s.
  - congruence.
  - destruct (can_eval h e). erep.
  - destruct (isNop s1) eqn:?.
    + apply isNop_ok in Heqb; subst. erep.
    + destruct IHs1.
      * intro; subst. discriminate.
      * destruct H0; erep.
  - destruct (can_eval h e).
    destruct (Z_eq_dec 0 x).
    + ecea; ecea; eapply step_cond_false; eauto.
    + erep.
  - destruct (can_eval h e).
    destruct (Z_eq_dec 0 x).
    + ecea; ecea; eapply step_while_false; eauto.
    + erep.

Definition diverges (s: stmt) : Prop :=
  forall h n,
  exists , exists ,
    step_n h s n .

Definition furnace : stmt :=
  while 1 {{ Nop }}.

stupid auto indent
Ltac zex x := exists x.

Lemma warming_up:
  diverges furnace.
  unfold diverges. intros.
  induction n.
  - zex h. zex furnace. constructor.
  - destruct IHn as [ [ H]].
hmm, need to add next step to the *end*

Lemma step_n_r:
  forall h1 s1 n h2 s2 h3 s3,
    step_n h1 s1 n h2 s2 ->
    step h2 s2 h3 s3 ->
    step_n h1 s1 (S n) h3 s3.
  intros. induction H.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.

Lemma warming_up:
  diverges furnace.
  unfold diverges. intros.
  induction n.
  - zex h. zex furnace. constructor.
  - destruct IHn as [ [ H]].
just need to show that s' can take one more step we know everything but Nop can step... hmmm, do not know much about h' s' need stronger IH !

Lemma warming_up:
  forall h n,
  exists , exists ,
    step_n h furnace n /\
     <> Nop.
  intros. induction n.
  - zex h. zex furnace.
    + constructor.
    + discriminate.
  - destruct IHn as [ [ [Hs Hn]]].
    destruct (can_step Hn ) as [h´´ [s´´ HS]].
    zex h´´; zex s´´. split.
    + eapply step_n_r; eauto.
ugh, don't know enough about s'' ! IH still too weak

Lemma warming_up:
  forall h n,
  exists ,
    step_n h furnace n furnace.
  intros. induction n.
  - zex h. constructor.
  - destruct IHn as [ IH].
    eexists. eapply step_n_r; eauto.
stuck! furnance doesn't step to itself! IH too strong!!!

Definition furnace´ : stmt :=
  Nop ;; while 1 {{ Nop }}.

Lemma warming_up:
  forall h n,
  exists ,
    step_n h furnace n furnace \/
    step_n h furnace n furnace´.
  intros. induction n.
  - zex h. left. constructor.
  - destruct IHn as [ [IH | IH]].
    + eexists. right.
      eapply step_n_r; eauto.
      unfold furnace´.
      econstructor; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
    + eexists. left.
      eapply step_n_r; eauto.
      unfold furnace´.
      econstructor; eauto.

Finally IH is strong enough! Now prove our original goal as a special case.
Lemma full_blast:
  diverges furnace.
  unfold diverges; intros.
  pose proof (warming_up h n).
  destruct H as [ [H1 | H2]].
  - erep.
  - erep.

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