Lecture 01

"Inductive" introduces a new inductive type. "A : B" means "A has type B". So the type bool has type Set!
Inductive bool : Set :=
| true : bool
| false : bool.

notb is a function that takes a bool and returns its negation. think of "match" like a case or switch statement. try removing the "| false => true" line and see what happens. coq's pattern-matching is required to be *exhaustive*.
Definition notb (b : bool) : bool :=
  match b with
    | true => false
    | false => true

andb returns the conjunction of b1 and b2.
Definition andb (b1 : bool) (b2 : bool) : bool :=
  match b1 with
    | true => b2
    | false => false

Let's try to *prove* that andb is commutative.
Lemma andb_comm :
  forall b1 b2,
    andb b1 b2 = andb b2 b1.
  intro x.
assume an arbitrary boolean, and call it x
  intro y.
assume an arbitrary boolean, and call it y
  destruct x.
case analysis on x
  - destruct y.
case analysis on y
    + reflexivity.
the goal is an equals sign with the same thing on both sides
    + simpl.
simplify the goal by running the andb function
  - destruct y.
    + simpl. reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.

Here is a shorter version of the same proof. Don't worry about understanding it for now.
Lemma andb_comm´ :
  forall b1 b2,
    andb b1 b2 = andb b2 b1.
  destruct b1; destruct b2; auto.

"Check <term>" prints the *type* of <term>
Check andb.
andb : bool -> bool -> bool
Someone asked about how "andb" corresponds to this type. Here's a "desugared" version of andb that should make this clearer.
Definition andb´ : bool -> bool -> bool :=
  fun b1 => fun b2 => match b1 with
                  | true => b2
                  | false => false
Note that multi-argument functions in Coq are "curried". This means that a multi-argument function is actually a single-argument function that *returns* another function. So andb : bool -> bool -> bool is actually andb : bool -> (bool -> bool)
Check (andb true).
bool -> bool

Inductive nat : Set :=
| O : nat
| S : nat -> nat.

isZero checks to see if a natural number is, well, zero. "_" is used as a variable name to indicate to Coq (and readers!) that the argument it names will not be used.
Definition isZero (n : nat) : bool :=
  match n with
    | O => true
    | S _ => false

Lemma isZero_O :
  isZero O = true.

Let's try to define addition
Fail Definition add (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat :=
  match n1 with
    | O => n2
    | S m1 => add m1 (S n2)
This fails with something like: "The reference add was not found in the current environment." This is because when we use "Definition", the thing we're defining isn't available in the body of the definition. Let's try again using "Fixpoint". Fixpoint will be how we define recursive functions. In Coq, recursive functions are guaranteed to terminate, so Coq checks that recursive arguments are *smaller*.
Fixpoint add (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat :=
  match n1 with
    | O => n2
    | S m1 => S (add m1 n2)

Lemma O_add :
  forall n,
    add O n = n.
  intro n.

Lemma add_O :
  forall n,
    add n O = n.
  intro n.
simpl doesn't do anything.
Coq can't simplify "add n O". Let's try case analysis with "destruct"
Lemma add_O :
  forall n,
    add n O = n.
  intro n.
  destruct n.
n is O
n is S n (for some other n)
    destruct n.
    + simpl. reflexivity.
    + simpl.
starting to get worried, here
      destruct n.
      * simpl. reflexivity.
      * simpl.
Seems like we're going to need a different strategy
Let's try *induction*.
Lemma add_O :
  forall n,
    add n O = n.
  intro n.
  induction n.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl.
    rewrite IHn.
find the left-hand side of IHn in the goal and replace it by the right-hand side

in class, Zach first defined add as follows:
Fixpoint add´ (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : nat :=
  match n1 with
    | O => n2
    | S m1 => add´ m1 (S n2)

Optional exercise : complete the following proof.

Lemma S_add´_add´_S :
  forall x y,
    add´ x (S y) = S (add´ x y).
  induction x.
  - intros. reflexivity.
  - intros. simpl. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.

Lemma add_add´ :
at some point in the proof, rewrite by S_add'_add'_S
  forall x y,
    add x y = add´ x y.

Inductive list (A : Set) : Set :=
| nil : list A
| cons : A -> list A -> list A.

We'll do more list stuff next time

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